// ESAF : Euso Simulation and Analysis Framework
// $Id: TestSimuModule.cc,v 1.2 2004/06/16 06:49:36 thea Exp $
// A. Thea created Mar, 13 2004
#include <iostream>
#include "TestSimuModule.hh"
// constructor
TestSimuModule::TestSimuModule(const string& n) : SimuModule(n) {
// destructor
TestSimuModule::~TestSimuModule() {
// Init method: called at the beginning of a run
bool TestSimuModule::Init() {
cout << "Initing Test Module named " << GetName() << endl;
return true;
// called before each event process
bool TestSimuModule::PreProcess() {
cout << "Pre-processing Test Module named " << GetName() << endl;
return true;
// event processing
bool TestSimuModule::Process() {
cout << "Processing Test Module named " << GetName() << endl;
//vector<double> *v=new vector<double>;
return true;
// called after processing an event
bool TestSimuModule::PostProcess() {
cout << "Post Processing Test Module named " << GetName() << endl;
return true;
// called at the end of each run
bool TestSimuModule::Done() {
cout << "Ending Test Module named " << GetName() << endl;
return true;
// user cleaning
void TestSimuModule::UserMemoryClean() {
//vector<double> *v = (vector<double>*)MyData()->GetObj("aba");
//delete v;