// ESAF : Euso Simulation and Analysis Framework // $Id: ChipTrackSegment.hh,v 1.5 2005/02/16 13:02:47 pesce Exp $ // M. Pallavicini created Oct, 24 2003 // Piece of track found by ChipTrackingTrgEngine // #ifndef __CHIPTRACKSEGMENT_HH_ #define __CHIPTRACKSEGMENT_HH_ #include #include "euso.hh" class ChipTrackSegment { public: // ctor ChipTrackSegment(); // dtor virtual ~ChipTrackSegment(); inline Int_t GetChipUid() const { return fChipUid; } inline Int_t GetGtuStart() const { return fGtuStart; } inline Int_t GetGtuEnd() const { return fGtuEnd; } inline Int_t GetCrossBorder() const { return fCrossBorder; } inline Int_t GetTrackLength() const { return fTrackLength; } inline Bool_t GetHasHole() const { return fHasHole; } inline Bool_t GetTriggered() const { return fTriggered; } inline void SetChipUid(Int_t v) { fChipUid = v; } inline void SetGtuStart(Int_t v) { fGtuStart = v; } inline void SetGtuEnd(Int_t v) { fGtuEnd = v; } inline void SetCrossBorder(Int_t v) { fCrossBorder = v; } inline void SetTrackLength(Int_t v) { fTrackLength = v; } inline void SetHasHole(Bool_t v) { fHasHole = v; } inline void SetTriggered(Bool_t v) { fTriggered = v; } private: ClassDef(ChipTrackSegment,0) // uid of chip where track occurred Int_t fChipUid; // first gtu Int_t fGtuStart; // last gtu Int_t fGtuEnd; // true if track is touching the chip border Bool_t fCrossBorder; // length in number of pixels and gtu Int_t fTrackLength; // true if the track has a hole Bool_t fHasHole; // true if the track is a segment of a trigger track Bool_t fTriggered; }; ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const ChipTrackSegment& seg); #endif /* __CHIPTRACKSEGMENT_HH_ */