// ESAF : Euso Simulation and Analysis Framework // $Id: EDetectorPhotonAdder.hh,v 1.4 2005/10/24 10:40:26 pesce Exp $ // Author: A.Thea created Oct, 24 2003 #ifndef __EDETECTORPHOTONADDER_HH_ #define __EDETECTORPHOTONADDER_HH_ #include #include "euso.hh" #include "EFiller.hh" #include "EsafMsgSource.hh" class Photon; class PmtSignal; class EDetectorPhotonAdder : public EFiller, public EsafMsgSource { public: // ctor EDetectorPhotonAdder(Photon*, PmtSignal*, Bool_t newph = false); // alternative ctor to fill photon history EDetectorPhotonAdder(TArrayI); // dtor virtual ~EDetectorPhotonAdder(); virtual void Fill( EFillable *); private: Photon *fPhoton; PmtSignal *fSignal; Bool_t fNewPh; TArrayI fPhotonHistory; ClassDef(EDetectorPhotonAdder,0) }; #endif /* __EDETECTORPHOTONADDER_HH_ */