The Advanced Examples portion of this web site has been preserved for historical memory; it is not further updated.
The Geant4-related research activity at INFN Genova is now configured in a wider scope project,
which also encompasses pioneering Geant4 experimental applications.

Advanced examples illustrate realistic applications of Geant4 in typical experimental environments. They are developed in collaboration with user groups expert in the corresponding experimental domain.

The examples code can be downloaded together with the Geant4 Toolkit; it is in the directory geant4/examples/advanced.

Common features: Class diagram of a generic Geant4 example Analysis in Geant4 examples

Brachytherapy example brachytherapy Dosimetry for endocavitary, interstitial and superficial brachytherapy Class diagram
composite calorimeter A composite electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeter, similar to a CMS test beam set-up Class diagram
cosmicray charging Electrostatic charging of isolated test masses by galactic cosmic ray protons and helium nuclei, similar to the LISA mission  
Gamma-ray Telescope example gamma-ray telescope A simplified typical g-ray telescope (such as GLAST), with advanced description of the detector response (hits + digitisation) Class diagram
hadrontherapy A beam line for hadrontherapy Class diagram
  lAr calorimeter A liquid Argon calorimeter, similar to an ATLAS test beam set-up Class diagram
medical LINAC A typical LINAC for Intensity Modulated RadioTherapy, similar to one used in clinical practice Class diagram
  purging_magnet Electrons traveling through the magnetic field of a strong purging magnet in a radiotherapy treatment head  
radioprotection Dose distributions in interplanetary space radiation environment, for the radioprotection of astronauts in space vehicles and planetary habitats Class diagram
  RICH A RICH detector in a set-up similar to a LHCb test beam  
  Tiara An example of neutron shielding, such as the TIARA experiment, demonstrating how to apply geometrical importance sampling (geometrical splitting and Russian roulette)  
Underground Physics example underground experiment A simplified typical Dark Matter detector (such as the Boulby Mine experiment) Class diagram
X-ray fluorescence example X-ray fluorescence Elemental composition of material samples through X-ray fluorescence spectra Class diagram
X-ray Telescope example X-ray telescope A simplified typical X-ray telescope (such as XMM-Newton or Chandra) Class diagram

Thanks to S. Banerjee (CMS) and P. Loch (ATLAS) for contributing the original version of test beam simulations for the composite calorimeter and lAr calorimeter examples respectively.

Last modified - Maria Grazia Pia