Technology transfer with Geant4

The following are some of the institutes or companies collaborating with the Geant4-INFN group, or profiting of the user support provided by Geant4-INFN collaborators:

IST - Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italy
IRCC, Candiolo, Italy
S. Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy
Azienda Ospedaliera, Cosenza, Italy
LIP and Coimbra Delegation of Portuguese Oncology Institute, Lisbon and Coimbra, Portugal
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
ClearPET, Crystal Clear Collaboration, Lausanne, Paris, Jülich
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, Canada
Massachussetts General Hospital, USA
RXTEC, Genova, Italy
General Electric, USA

ESA Science Payload Division

Last modified 18 May 2003 - Maria Grazia Pia