After the successful Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons at Strasbourg (France) in September 1995, many people felt that there was a genuine need for a series of conferences concentrating on hyperons, charm and beauty hadrons. In order to separate these future meetings from the existing series of symposia on heavy flavors, the second meeting was held in August 1996 at Montréal (Canada). Further meetings will take place on a biennial basis.

The next conference is planned for ~ 120 participants and will take place at the Palazzina S. Lorenzo in the Congress Centre of Porto Antico of Genova (Italy). The conference will last three and a half days from Tuesday June 30th 8:30 (a.m.) to Friday July 3, 13:00 (1:00 p.m.). Registration at the Palazzina S. Lorenzo begins on Monday June 29 from 16:00 to 19:00 (4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.).

The Conference Proceedings, which are Peer reviewed, will be published few months after the Conference in Nuclear Physics B .

The deadline for Registration is June 1, 1998.

The Program

As stated above, the Conference will emphasize hyperons and heavy hadrons. A deeper understanding of the production and decays of these different classes of hadrons will give new insights on hadronization processes. Other areas of interests are studies of the polarization of the produced baryons/antibaryons and the search for CP violation effects in their decays.

Here a non exhaustive list of topics on which communications are already foreseen:

It also became clear at Strasbourg that presentation of results on charm and beauty baryons as well as mesons will lead to interesting topics for the experiments prepared for the LHC, the B factories, and at FERMILAB. Therefore, discussions of these projects will be an important part of the Conference. Proposals concerning new projects will be widely discussed. Technologies associated with these research topic will also be the subject of presentations.

The Conference will consist of plenary sessions only, as is our tradition; the presentations and discussions will be subdivided into the following categories:

We ask people interested in attending the Conference or in receiving further details to fill the registration form.

This site will be updated continously with scientific and logistic information about the Conference.

If you wish to get information on High Energy Physics and INFN activities in Genova please follow this link.