Sezione di Genova
Universita' di Genova

Present Activities

From April 2003 Laboratory works in collaboration with Provincial Administration of Genova in a common research program for the study of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 in urban area of Genova. The project, financed by Provincial Administration, is based on the using of several instruments for sampling atmospheric particulate in different sites of the town. The collected samples are analyzed by Laboratory with different techniques to obtain their concentration, chemical composition and granulometry. The results of the campaign are periodically updated.

The Laboratory participates, together with groups from Universities of INFN Sections of  Firenze and Milano and Napoli to national research programs : the triennal (2000-2002) of the fifth INFN Scientific Committee called MASAI ( Metodologie Applicative per Studi di Arte e Inquinamento) the biennal (2002-2003) research project co-financed MIUR named "Analisi con fasci di ioni e tecniche complementari per lo studio del particolato atmosferico e dei beni culturali",  and the triennal (2006 - 2008) research project named NUTELLA.. Besides these activities, there are outstanding european research programs in the framework of COST-G8 devoted to the application of scientific methods in the study and preservation of cultural goods. From January 2007, it is started a collaboration with LISA laboratory of CNRS - Parigi for the characterization of soil dust originated from Sahel and Sahara regions.


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Useful Links:
Provincia di Genova
Acceleratore di Firenze
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

Cost G8
Acceleratore di Firenze
Laboratoire de Recherche des Musées de France al Louvre di Parigi 
Opificio delle Pietre Dure 

  A.P.I.C.E - Common Mediterranean strategy and local practical Actions for the mitigation of Port, Industries and Cities Emissions 

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