Release notes for version 1.1.0 ------------------------------- This is the second major release of the toolkit for statistics in HEP. Changes with respect to the release 1.0 are as follows: - several new algorithms implemented (see the docs in the documentation/ subdirectory for a detailed description of the various algorithms). - the quality() method now returns a ComparisonResult object containing more information about the quality of the result - a new package StatTools for Toy-Monte-Carlo studies has been added (in packages/StatTools) Release notes for version 1.0.1 ------------------------------- Bug fix release for version 1.0.0 Release notes for version 1.0.0 ------------------------------- Initial version of the toolkit for statistics in HEP. This release has comparison algorithms implemented for comparing binned (ChiSquare) and unbinned (Kolmogorov Smirnov) distributions. Additional algorithms (Anderson Darling, Cramer-VonMieses) are usable for both, binned and unbinned distributions.