Release notes for version 2.0.2 ------------------------------- Some algorithms have been renamed, some small bugs have been fixed. (This version reflects the status of the submitted paper). Release notes for version 2.0.1 ------------------------------- A small bug in the calculation of the distance for the chi-squared algorithm was fixed. Release notes for version 2.0.0 ------------------------------- This is the first release of a substantially upgraded version of the toolkit for statistics in HEP. Changes with respect to the release 1. are as follows: - Several new algorithms implemented (see the docs in the documentation/ subdirectory for a detailed description of the various algorithms). - In order to allow more flexibility, a new structure of "User Layers" has been adopted. Presently (release 2.0.0) there are two possible user layers available: UserLayer-aida and UserLayer-root (which take histograms and other data objects as available) and provide comparisons of those. - Build procedure is now fully based on the GNU autotools, the configuration is flexible according to which user-layer to build/install. Release notes for version 1.0.1 ------------------------------- Bug fix release for version 1.0.0 Release notes for version 1.0.0 ------------------------------- Initial version of the toolkit for statistics in HEP. This release has comparison algorithms implemented for comparing binned (ChiSquare) and unbinned (Kolmogorov Smirnov) distributions. Additional algorithms (Anderson Darling, Cramer-VonMieses) are usable for both, binned and unbinned distributions.