How to use and Examples

The following examples illustrate how to use the Statistical Toolkit.
More examples how to use the system can be found in the packages/StatisticsTesting/examples directory of the Statistical Toolkit.

Compare two binned distributions
Compare two unbinned distributions
Compare two sets of points

More User Documentation: Download and Installation, Statistical Algorithms, List of all GoF tests

Compare two binned distributions (1-D histograms)

The example below compares two 1-dimensional histograms (binned distributions) applying the chi2 test
You can apply any other GoF test appropriate for binned distributions in the same way as the chi2.

List of all GoF tests available in the Statistical Toolkit

// Include the header files required by the analysis system you are using: for instance, the ones for AIDA, if you  use an AIDA-compliant analysis system

#include “AIDA/AIDA.h”
// Include the header files for the Statistics Toolkit classes
#include “StatisticsComparator.h”  
#include “Chi2ComparisonAlgorithm.h” 
#include “ComparisonResult.h"

// Namespace directive, for convenience

using namespace StatisticsTesting;

// Perform any initialization required by the analysis system you are using: for instance, if you  use an AIDA-compliant analysis system create the AIDA factories and tree

std::auto_ptr<AIDA::IAnalysisFactory>  af( AIDA_createAnalysisFactory() );
std::auto_ptr<AIDA::ITreeFactory> tf( af -> createTreeFactory() ); 
std::auto_ptr<AIDA::ITree> tree( tf -> create() ); 
std::auto_ptr<AIDA::IHistogramFactory> hf( af->createHistogramFactory( *tree ) ); 

// Create two histograms with the analysis system of your choice (an AIDA-compliant one or ROOT)

AIDA::IHistogram1D& hA = *( hf->createHistogram1D( "A", 100, 0.0, 50.0) ); 
AIDA::IHistogram1D& hB = *( hf->createHistogram1D( "B", 100, 0.0, 50.0) ); 

// Fill the histograms with the analysis system of your choice (an AIDA-compliant one or ROOT)

hA.fill( 15.7 ); 
hB.fill( 23.4 ); 

// Instantiate the StatisticsComparator, selecting the Goodness of Fit algorithm you want to apply (chi2 in this case)

StatisticsComparator< Chi2ComparisonAlgorithm > comparator; 

// Compare the two histograms and get the result of the comparison

ComparisonResult result = hA, hB ); 

// Print some statistical information about the result of the comparison: the distance, number of degrees of freedom and p-value

std::cout << “ distance=“ << result.distance()
          << “ ndf=“      << result.ndf() 
          << “ p-value=“  << result.quality();

Compare two unbinned distributions (clouds)

The example below compares two clouds (unbinned distributions) applying the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. For convenience, the creation and filling of user's analysis objects (clouds) is performed with an AIDA-compliant analysis system; however, the instantiation and the usage of the Statistical Toolkit objects shown below is independent from the analysis system chosen by the user.
You can apply any other GoF test appropriate for binned distributions in the same way as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov.

List of all GoF tests available in the Statistical Toolkit

// Include the header files for AIDA and for the Statistics Toolkit classes

#include “AIDA/AIDA.h”
#include “StatisticsComparator.h”  
#include “Chi2ComparisonAlgorithm.h” 
#include “ComparisonResult.h"

// Namespace directive, for convenience

using namespace StatisticsTesting; 

// Create the AIDA factories and tree (for more information see AIDA)

std::auto_ptr<AIDA::IAnalysisFactory> af( AIDA_createAnalysisFactory() );
std::auto_ptr<AIDA::ITreeFactory> tf( af -> createTreeFactory() ); 
std::auto_ptr<AIDA::ITree> tree( tf -> create() ); 
std::auto_ptr<AIDA::IHistogramFactory> hf( af->createHistogramFactory( *tree ) ); 

// Create two clouds

AIDA::ICloud1D& cloudA= *( hf->createCloud1D( "A" ) );
AIDA::ICloud1D& cloudB = *( hf->createCloud1D( "B" ) );

// Fill the clouds

cloudA.fill( 15.7 );
cloudB.fill( 23.4 );

// Instantiate the StatisticsComparator, selecting the Goodness of Fit test you want to apply (Kolmogorov-Smirnov in this case)

StatisticsComparator< KolmogorovSmirnovComparisonAlgorithm > comparator;

// Compare the two distributions and get the result of the comparison

ComparisonResult result = cloudA, cloudB );

// Print some statistical information about the result of the comparison: the distance and p-value

std::cout << “ K-S distance=“ << result.distance() 
          << “ p-value=“      << result.quality();

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If you need user support or wish to submit a problem report, please contact us.

Last modified 10 April 2006 - Maria Grazia Pia