The DarkSide Experiment

The DarkSide experiment aims at the detection of dark matter particles. It is carried on at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in central Italy and it uses as detector a double phase TPC filled with liquid argon depleted in 39Ar. Thanks to an accurate screening of building materials and veto strategy, DarkSide is a zero background experiment. Currently the DarkSide-50 experiment, filled with 50 kilograms of ultrapure liquid argon is taking data and the DarkSide collaboration is committed to finalizing the design of the DarkSide-20k experiment, that will enlarge the target mass by three order of magnitude and it will exploit innovative technologies for the detection of the liquid argon scintillation light.



Personnel from INFN: Alessio Caminata, Stefano Davini, Paolo Musico, Gemma Testera

Personnel from Università di Genova: Bianca Bottino, Lea Di Noto, Marco Pallavicini