Seminario di Fenomenologia-
The Standard Model (SM) is an Effective Field Theory (EFT) with an electroweak hierarchy problem associated to an unnaturally light Higgs. After introducing the concept of the SM EFT and the naturalness problem, I will present the possibility that an unnatural hierarchy between certain higher-dimensional operator coefficients in a low-energy EFT would automatically imply that the Higgs’ vacuum expectation value is hierarchically smaller than the EFT cut-off, assuming the EFT emerged from a unitary, causal and local UV completion. Future colliders may have the sensitivity to infer such a pattern of coefficients for a little hierarchy with an EFT cut-off up to O(10) TeV.
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Topic: Theory and Pheno seminars
Meeting ID: 857 318 5271
Seminario di Fisica Teorica (Dr. Alessandro Georgoudis, Queen Mary)
In this talk I will present the S-matrix bootstrap program and its application to the study of 2d gapped and UV complete QFTs. In our work we extend the known results from pure S-matrix bootstrap by including into the set-up form factors and spectral functions of the stress energy tensor and conserved currents. I will explain how this extended set-up works and show how the associated sum rules allow us to put bounds on quantities like the central charge of the underlying conformal theories in the UV. Based on work with L. Córdova, M. Correia and A. Vuignier.
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Topic: Theory and Pheno seminars
Meeting ID: 857 318 5271
Seminario di Fisica Teorica-
The Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of supersymmetric and extremal (BPS) black holes has a precise statistical interpretation in the context of AdS/CFT duality. For non-BPS anti-de Sitter (AdS) black holes in dimensions larger than three, such a precise statistical interpretation has not been found yet. After reviewing the microscopic interpretation of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy for large BPS black holes in five dimensional AdS, and time permitting, I will explain how some perturbative corrections, deviating from supersymmetry and extremality, can be computed in four-dimensional maximally supersymmetric SU(N) Yang Mills theory.
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Topic: Theory and Pheno seminars
Meeting ID: 857 318 5271
Diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB), which is an integrated flux of neutrinos from all past core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe), are eagerly studied in the worldwide experiment because the detection of DNSB flux makes investigation about the star formation history as well as the neutrino emission from CCSNe.
Since 2020, Super-Kamiokande (SK) detector has been updated by loading gadolinium (Gd) as a new experimental phase, “SK-Gd”. In the SK-Gd experiment, neutrons can be efficiently identified due to high cross-section and high energy gamma-ray emission of thermal neutron capture on Gd. This enables to search low-energy electron antineutrinos such as a signal of DSNB via inverse-beta decay.
Until July 2022, the observation was operated with the 0.01% Gd mass concentration, termed as SK-VI. The neutron capture fraction on Gd is about 50% at that time. In this period, we operated neutron source calibration and obtained characteristics about the neutron identification in SK-Gd detector.
Using the whole period of SK-VI, we searched for astrophysical electron antineutrinos with the energy of O(10) MeV in SK-Gd with a 22.5×552 kton·day exposure at 0.01% Gd mass concentration for a first time in SK-Gd experiment.
This seminar provides the result of the search and prospects for future observation.
Seminario di Fisica Teorica –
Over the past two decades, f(R) gravity has been at the forefront of providing an alternative to dynamical dark energy to explain the origin of late-time acceleration in the universe. This talk will provide a survey of work that has been done in this area using covariant methods, dealing with diverse topics from cosmological dynamics to gravitational lensing and perturbations of black holes.
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Seminario di Fisica Teorica-
In the first part of the presentation, I will present a study of the spectra and strong decay widths of heavy baryons. The masses of single heavy baryons up to the D-wave have been calculated within a constituent quark model, employing both the three-quark and quark-diquark schemes. The decay widths of the ground and excited single heavy baryons into the heavy single baryon-(vector/pseudoscalar) meson pairs and the (octet/ decuplet) baryon-
(pseudoscalar/vector) heavy meson pairs, have been calculated. Moreover, I will discuss why the presence or absence of the ρ-mode excitations in the experimental spectrum is the key to distinguishing between the quark-diquark and three-quark behaviours, as it was originally pointed out in. The quantum number assignments and predictions for mass spectra and strong-decay widths are in agreement with the available data. These findings provide valuable
guidance for future measurements in experiments as ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, Belle, and Belle II.
In the second part of this talk, I will present a new application of the Interacting Boson Fermion-Fermion Model (IBFFM) for describing double charge exchange reactions. The study of double charge exchange reactions induced by heavy ions involving candidate nuclei for neutrinoless double beta decay is a complex task carried out by the NUMEN collaboration [5], to which I belong. This investigation faces the intricacies of complex odd-odd intermediate nuclei in sequential double charge exchange processes. I will offer a comprehensive description of heavy odd-odd nuclei using the (IBFFM). Additionally, I will outline the methodology for describing transfer operators within this framework.
Finally, I will explore the potential applications of our results in future reaction codes for describing double charge exchange reactions.
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Seminario di Fisica Teorica-
The advent of noisy-intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices is opening new horizons for fundamental theoretical research. When viewed as experimental platforms for many-body quantum physics, NISQ devices can be conceptualized as systems evolving according to discrete sequences of few-body unitary processes, local projective measurements, and feedback. These ingredients give rise to new qualitative features and universal phenomena out of equilibrium, such as the recently discovered entanglement measurement-induced phase transitions (MIPTs). In the first part of the talk, I will provide an overview of the recent literature on the subject, introducing different quantum-circuit models for non-equilibrium many-body physics and the MITPs. In the second part, I will focus on some of my recent work on explicit models, showing either interesting new phenomena or allowing for analytic insight based on mappings to statistical mechanics problems.
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Seminario di Fenomenologia –
In this talk I will describe how the common treatment of heavy quark mass effects in either the initial of final state can lead to important issues and how can we construct a more effective way of dealing with massive quarks in a consistent way both theoretically and practically.
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Seminario Generale
The Precision Proton Spectrometer (PPS) was developed by the CMS and TOTEM Collaborations and started to be used extensively during Run 2 of the LHC. It is a powerful tool for advancing new measurements with forward proton tags and beyond the standard model searches. The commissioning of this new detector involves understanding different aspects of forward proton reconstruction (alignment and optics calibrations, radiation damage, pileup contributions and validation using standard model candles).
In this seminar I’ll illustrate how PPS can be used by focussing on a generic search for the associated production of a Z boson or a photon with an additional unspecified massive particle X in proton-tagged events from proton-proton (pp) collisions at √s =13 TeV, recorded in 2017. The so-called missing mass spectrum is analysed in the 600–1600 GeV range and a fit is performed to search for possible deviations from the background expectation. No significant resonant deviations in data with respect to the background predictions have been observed. Model-independent upper limits on the visible production cross section of pp → pp + Z/γ + X are set. Results from other recent searches with PPS and Run 2 will also be summarized.
Neutrino experiments such as MiniBooNE and MicroBooNE produce a large quantity of secondary muons. This provides an
interesting opportunity to search for BSM particles that may
preferentially couple to the muon. In my talk, I will present a
scenario where neutrino experiments are particularly suitable for
studying BSM models, and show how these experiments have excluded
certain regions where a BSM scalar could explain the g-2 anomaly.