JLAB12 is an experiment of the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), including all the research activities promoted by
Italian scientists at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (USA). Jefferson Lab is a laboratory founded by the US Department of Energy (DOE) for the study of nuclear physics and is equipped with a medium energy (~10 GeV) electron beam superconducting accelerator and four experimental Halls, A, B, C and D, hosting highly sophisticated particle detectors.
Objectives of the experiment are the study of the dynamics and internal structure of hadrons and nuclei, via the scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons on polarized nuclear targets. The Italian Collaboration, consisting of more than 50 physicists and engineers, is part of an international community of more than 1300 scientists working at Jefferson Lab to realize a broad research program in the field of hadronic physics.
The areas of interest of the Italian Collaboration JLAB12 are: form factors of nucleons and nuclei, nucleon structure functions, electron-nucleon weak interaction, meson and baryon spectroscopy, hadron interaction in hyper-nuclei, search for light dark-matter, and search for physics beyond the Standard Model. The JLAB12 experimental activity is supported by the Italian theoretical community that participates with more than 30 scientists to the study of QCD, the theory of strong interaction that determines that structure of hadrons, and to the interpretation of experimental results.
Gruppo di ricerca INFN:
- Marco Battaglieri
- Alessandro Brunengo
- Andrea Celentano
- Raffaella De Vita
- Paolo Musico
- Mikhail Osipenko
- Marco Ripani
Gruppo di ricerca afferente ad altri Enti:
- Gianangelo Bracco
- Stefano Grazzi
- Luca Marsicano
- Mauro Taiuti