
a tool for computing theory uncertainties from missing higher orders

Author: Marco Bonvini
Developer: Marco Bonvini

THunc is a code that computes a probability distribution for a physical observable based on its perturbative expansion.
From the probability distribution a number of statistical estimators (mean, mode, median, standard deviation, degree of belief intervals) are also provided.
The calculation of the probability distribution is based on some assumptions, that are encoded into a model.
The models available in the code are In all cases one can also look for a sign pattern through the flag -P.
Scale independent results can be obtained using the flag -s [QCD only].
Use the -h option for help.

To set the process and/or to define a custom model, open the file and check its first part.
Obviously, the code must be recompiled after changes.


Latest version: THunc v1.1

Instructions: Download the tarballs above, or wget them directly:
> wget
then untar, make and run
> tar xzf THunc.v1.1.tgz
> cd THunc
> make -j
> ./examples/example_QCD -r 0.5
> gnuplot plots/
> gnuplot plots/
> gnuplot plots/

Version history


THunc depends on the following libraries:

Citation Policy

When you use the THunc code, please cite this webpage and the original publications:


For any problem, request or suggestion, contact me