(Designed by S.Minutoli)

The IFR Crate Controller ( ICC ) is the board responsible to collect IFR data from IFB, ICB and ITB and to trasmit it to the ROM using the G_link. It doesn't perform any test on the data, it acts only as a multiplexing ( demultiplexing ) of data and commands. ICC is also responsible to distribute the clock to others boards and to reformat the clock used to send back the data to ROM.

Another important task of ICC is the monitor of the FE crate; it read the voltage and current of power supply and it monitor also the temperature inside the crate reading the value of 7 sensor ( AD592 ). All these information are transmitted to the detector control crate via the CAN Bus.

ICC DOC for NA Review ,

ICC1 picture ,

ICC2 picture ,

ICC3 picture ,

Icc block diagram,


N. Crosetti (Updates: December 11, 1997)