Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  


#include "ChipGtuData.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class ChipGtuData : public EsafMsgSource

Inheritance Chart:
ChipGtuData() public:
ChipGtuData(FrontEndChip*, Int_t g) virtual ~ChipGtuData() void AddCharge(Int_t ch, Double_t charge, Int_t gtu) void AddDynodeCharge(Double_t charge, Int_t gtu) void AddFastOr(Double_t tm) Double_t Charge(Int_t ch) const Bool_t CheckCounter(Int_t ch) const static TClass* Class() Double_t DynodeCharge() const Int_t FastOrHits() const FrontEndChip* FrontEnd() const Int_t GetCounter(Int_t ch) const Int_t GetNumActivePixels() Int_t GetPureSignal(Int_t ch) const Int_t GetTotalCounts() Int_t GetTotalPureSignal() Bool_t GetXYLogic(Int_t&, Int_t&, Double_t&) Int_t Gtu() const virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsEmpty() const void Reset() void SetCounter(Int_t ch, Bool_t bck) void SetEmpty(Bool_t val = kTRUE) void SetRowCol(Int_t, Int_t, Double_t) void SetThreshCounter(Int_t th) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

FrontEndChip* pFrontEnd pointer to its front end chip Int_t fGtu gtu Bool_t fEmpty true if empty Int_t fThresh digital threshold vector<Int_t> fCounts counter value vector<Int_t> fPureSignal pure signal counters (no background) vector<Double_t> fFastORHits fast or hits (with their time) vector<Double_t> fRowList row column logic; vector<Double_t> fColList time at which the wire is fired Double_t fTime time of the first fire XY logic Int_t fRow Int_t fCol coordinates of the first fire XY logic Double_t fDynode dynode charge vector<Double_t> fCharge channel charge

Class Description

Int_t GetTotalCounts()
 Returns the total number of detected counts

Int_t GetTotalPureSignal()
 Returns the total number of detected signal counts

Int_t GetNumActivePixels()
 Returns the number of pixels with at least one hit

void Reset()
 Reset data (counters, memory)

void SetRowCol( Int_t r, Int_t c, Double_t t )
 Set the logical signals for rows and columns
 remember the time at which they go on
 if already set, do not change the time
 negative time means NOT activated in this GTU

Bool_t GetXYLogic(Int_t& x, Int_t& y, Double_t& t)
 Returns coordinates and time of the first XY logic hic
 returns false if no active counter in this gtu

void AddCharge(Int_t ch, Double_t crg, Int_t g)
 Analog front end function
 add charge for a channel

void AddDynodeCharge(Double_t crg, Int_t g)
 Add dynode charge for the whole chip in gtu

Inline Functions

                 void ~ChipGtuData()
          ChipGtuData ChipGtuData(FrontEndChip*, Int_t g)
        FrontEndChip* FrontEnd() const
                Int_t Gtu() const
                 void SetCounter(Int_t ch, Bool_t bck)
                Int_t GetCounter(Int_t ch) const
                Int_t GetPureSignal(Int_t ch) const
               Bool_t CheckCounter(Int_t ch) const
                Int_t FastOrHits() const
                 void AddFastOr(Double_t tm)
                 void SetThreshCounter(Int_t th)
               Bool_t IsEmpty() const
                 void SetEmpty(Bool_t val = kTRUE)
             Double_t Charge(Int_t ch) const
             Double_t DynodeCharge() const
          ChipGtuData ChipGtuData()
              TClass* Class()
              TClass* IsA() const
                 void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                 void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                 void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
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