Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  


#include "DetectorPhotonTransporter.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class DetectorPhotonTransporter : public EsafConfigurable, public EsafMsgSource

Inheritance Chart:
    This is an abstract class, constructors will not be documented.
    Look at the header to check for available constructors.

Double_t CylinderIntersection(const TVector3& pos, const TVector3& dir, Double_t radius, Double_t zup, Double_t zdown, Bool_t zero = kFALSE) const Double_t CylinderIntersection(const Photon* p, Double_t radius, Double_t zup, Double_t zdown, Bool_t zero = kFALSE) const public:
virtual ~DetectorPhotonTransporter() virtual Double_t Bottom() const static TClass* Class() virtual const char* ClassName() const virtual const char* ClassType() const virtual Double_t CylinderIntersection(const TVector3& pos, const TVector3& dir, Bool_t zero = kFALSE) const virtual Double_t CylinderIntersection(const Photon* p, Bool_t zero = kFALSE) const virtual Double_t DZdown() const virtual Double_t DZup() const virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Bool_t IsInside(Photon*) const virtual const TVector3& Position() const virtual Double_t Radius() const virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual Double_t Top() const virtual Photon* Transport(Photon*) const

Data Members

EVector fPos origin of the local coordinates Double_t fDZdown Double_t fDZup Double_t fR radius of the cylinder

Class Description


  Abstarct base class providing the interface of a generic photon
  transporter. Every element in the detector that is able to interact
  with photons is a DetectorPhotonTransporter.
  The DetectorPhotonTransporters are represented as cylinders with position
  and height (fDZdown+fDZup).

Bool_t IsInside( Photon *p ) const
 True if the photon is inside the boundaries of the transporter

Double_t CylinderIntersection( const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &dir, Bool_t zero) const
 Calculate the next intersection of p with this transporter boundaries

Double_t CylinderIntersection( const Photon *p, Bool_t zero) const
 Calculate the next intersection of p with this transporter boundaries

Double_t CylinderIntersection( const Photon *p, Double_t radius, Double_t zup, Double_t zdown, Bool_t zero ) const
 Finds, if exists, the next interaction of p over cyl.  In any case saves
 the distances between p->pos and the two int points in fLastCylInt

Double_t CylinderIntersection( const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &dir, Double_t radius, Double_t zup, Double_t zdown, Bool_t zero ) const
 Finds, if exists, the next interaction of p over cyl.  In any case saves
 the distances between p->pos and the two int points in fLastCylInt

Inline Functions

                   void ~DetectorPhotonTransporter()
                Photon* Transport(Photon*) const
               Double_t Radius() const
               Double_t DZdown() const
               Double_t DZup() const
        const TVector3& Position() const
               Double_t Bottom() const
               Double_t Top() const
            const char* ClassType() const
            const char* ClassName() const
                TClass* Class()
                TClass* IsA() const
                   void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                   void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                   void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
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