Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  


#include "EShowerStep.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class EShowerStep : public TObject

Inheritance Chart:

EShowerStep() EShowerStep(const EShowerStep&) virtual ~EShowerStep() static TClass* Class() virtual void Clear(Option_t*) Float_t GetAgef() const Float_t GetAgei() const Float_t GetEnergyLoss() Float_t GetNumCharged() Float_t GetNumCherenkov() Float_t GetNumElectrons() const Float_t GetPosf(Int_t i) const TVector3 GetPosf() const Float_t GetPosi(Int_t i) const TVector3 GetPosi() const Float_t GetTimef() const Float_t GetTimei() const Float_t GetXf() const Float_t GetXi() const virtual TClass* IsA() const EShowerStep& operator=(const EShowerStep&) void SetAgef(Float_t af) void SetAgei(Float_t ai) void SetEnergyLoss(Float_t el) void SetNumCharged(Float_t nc) void SetNumCherenkov(Float_t nch) void SetNumElectrons(Float_t ne) void SetPosf(const TVector3& v) void SetPosf(Int_t i, Float_t x) void SetPosi(const TVector3& v) void SetPosi(Int_t i, Float_t x) void SetTimef(Float_t tf) void SetTimei(Float_t ti) void SetXf(Float_t xf) void SetXi(Float_t xi) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Float_t fXi Slant Depth (g/cm^2) of the first point of the step Float_t fXf Slant Depth (g/cm^2) of the last point of the step Float_t fPosiX 3D coordinates in MES of the first point of the step Float_t fPosiY 3D coordinates in MES of the first point of the step Float_t fPosiZ 3D coordinates in MES of the first point of the step Float_t fPosfX 3D coordinates in MES of the last point of the step Float_t fPosfY 3D coordinates in MES of the last point of the step Float_t fPosfZ 3D coordinates in MES of the last point of the step Float_t fTimei Time in microsecond of the passage of shower axis in fXYZi Float_t fTimef Time in microsecond of the passage of shower axis in fXYZf Float_t fAgei age of the shower at fPosi Float_t fAgef age of the shower at fPosf Float_t fNumElectrons Number of electrons at (fXf+fXi)/2 Float_t fNumCharged Number of charged part. at (fXf+fXi)/2 Float_t fEnergyLoss Energy (GeV) loss by ionization during the Step Float_t fNumCherenkov Number of Cherenov photons produced in the Step TH2F* fEnergyAngle TH2F* fRadPhiElectrons TH2F* fRadDTimeElectrons TH2F* fRadPhiEnergyLoss TH1F* fAngleCherenkov

Class Description

void Clear( Option_t *opt )
 clear this object

Inline Functions

                void ~EShowerStep()
         EShowerStep EShowerStep()
             Float_t GetXi() const
             Float_t GetXf() const
             Float_t GetPosi(Int_t i) const
            TVector3 GetPosi() const
             Float_t GetPosf(Int_t i) const
            TVector3 GetPosf() const
             Float_t GetTimei() const
             Float_t GetTimef() const
             Float_t GetAgei() const
             Float_t GetAgef() const
             Float_t GetNumElectrons() const
             Float_t GetNumCharged()
             Float_t GetEnergyLoss()
             Float_t GetNumCherenkov()
                void SetXi(Float_t xi)
                void SetXf(Float_t xf)
                void SetPosi(const TVector3& v)
                void SetPosi(Int_t i, Float_t x)
                void SetPosf(const TVector3& v)
                void SetPosf(Int_t i, Float_t x)
                void SetTimei(Float_t ti)
                void SetTimef(Float_t tf)
                void SetAgei(Float_t ai)
                void SetAgef(Float_t af)
                void SetNumElectrons(Float_t ne)
                void SetNumCharged(Float_t nc)
                void SetEnergyLoss(Float_t el)
                void SetNumCherenkov(Float_t nch)
             TClass* Class()
             TClass* IsA() const
                void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
         EShowerStep EShowerStep(const EShowerStep&)
        EShowerStep& operator=(const EShowerStep&)
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