Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  


#include "ESinglePhoton.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class ESinglePhoton : public TObject

Inheritance Chart:

ESinglePhoton() ESinglePhoton(const ESinglePhoton&) virtual ~ESinglePhoton() static TClass* Class() virtual void Clear(Option_t*) UInt_t GetBunchId() const Float_t GetDate() const UChar_t GetHistory() const Int_t GetNbinter() const TVector3 GetPos() const TVector3 GetShowerPos() const Float_t GetTof() const UChar_t GetType() const Float_t GetWl() const virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsAbsorbed() const ESinglePhoton& operator=(const ESinglePhoton&) void SetAbsorbed(Bool_t f = true) void SetBunchId(UInt_t id) void SetDate(Float_t d) void SetHistory(UInt_t hist) void SetNbinter(Int_t nb) void SetPos(const TVector3& v) void SetShowerPos(const TVector3& v) void SetTof(Float_t tof) void SetType(UInt_t type) void SetWl(Float_t wl) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

UChar_t fType photon type UInt_t fBunchId id of the bunch that has given this photon UChar_t fHistory how photon has been created Bool_t fAbsorbed true if photon has been absorbed during its final transfer to pupil Float_t fDate date of creation Float_t fTof time of flight since creation UNTIL PUPIL Float_t fWl wavelength Int_t fNbinter number of interactions undergone Float_t fShowerPosX X.position of creation Float_t fShowerPosY Y.position of creation Float_t fShowerPosZ Z.position of creation Float_t fPosX last position.X before reaching pupil Float_t fPosY last position.Y before reaching pupil Float_t fPosZ last position.Z before reaching pupil

Class Description

void Clear( Option_t* opt )

Inline Functions

                  void ~ESinglePhoton()
         ESinglePhoton ESinglePhoton()
               UChar_t GetType() const
                UInt_t GetBunchId() const
               UChar_t GetHistory() const
                Bool_t IsAbsorbed() const
               Float_t GetDate() const
               Float_t GetTof() const
               Float_t GetWl() const
                 Int_t GetNbinter() const
              TVector3 GetShowerPos() const
              TVector3 GetPos() const
                  void SetType(UInt_t type)
                  void SetHistory(UInt_t hist)
                  void SetAbsorbed(Bool_t f = true)
                  void SetDate(Float_t d)
                  void SetTof(Float_t tof)
                  void SetWl(Float_t wl)
                  void SetNbinter(Int_t nb)
                  void SetShowerPos(const TVector3& v)
                  void SetPos(const TVector3& v)
                  void SetBunchId(UInt_t id)
               TClass* Class()
               TClass* IsA() const
                  void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                  void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                  void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
         ESinglePhoton ESinglePhoton(const ESinglePhoton&)
        ESinglePhoton& operator=(const ESinglePhoton&)
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