#include "EnergyModule.hh" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
class EnergyModule : public RecoModule
Inheritance Chart: | |||||||||||||||
EnergyModule() virtual ~EnergyModule() void BuildFoVAngleFunctions() Bool_t BuildRecoveryFunction() static TClass* Class() virtual const char* ClassName() const virtual const char* ClassType() const void ClearGraphs() void CreateAuxilaryObjects() void DefinePixelsView() void DisplayCluster() virtual Bool_t Done() void DumpGtuSorted() void EstimateBackground() void FillDataStructure() void FindThetaPhiAtMaximum() void FitMode1() void FitMode2() void FitMode2fumili() void FitTimeDistribution() virtual Bool_t Init() virtual TClass* IsA() const void LoadModules() Float_t MakeFluorYield() Float_t PhiFoV(Float_t) virtual Bool_t PostProcess() virtual Bool_t PreProcess() virtual Bool_t Process(RecoEvent*) void SaveFitInfo() virtual Bool_t SaveRootData(RecoRootEvent*) Bool_t ShowerTrack3D() virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void SortGtu() virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) Float_t ThetaFoV(Float_t) virtual void UserMemoryClean()
Data Members
FluoCalculator* fFluoCalculator Fluorescent calculator RadiativeProcessesCalculator* fRadCalculator Radiative Transfer Calculator EOpticsResponse* fOpticsResponse Optics Response object (handles efficacies, etc) RecoEvent* fEvent pointer to the current reco event object ERunParameters* fRunpars ERunParameters ShowerTrack* fShowerTrack pointer to a dummy shower track object EsafSpectrum* fEsafSpectrum pointer to EsafSpectrum object const RecoModuleData* fTDM pointer to the track direction module const RecoModuleData* fGtuCM pointer to the GTU Clustering module const RecoModuleData* fHmaxShapeM pointer to HmaxByShapeMethod module const RecoModuleData* fHmaxProtonM pointer to HmaxForProtonMethod module Int_t fNumPoints vector<int,allocator<int> > fPixelsCluster vector of Uid of pixels in the cluster vector<RecoPixelData*> fAllActivePixels vector of all active pixels Double_t fTheta reconstrustructed from the previous module Theta zenith angle Double_t fPhi reconstrustructed from the previous module Phi azimuthal angle TVector3 fShowerDir unit vector opposite to shower direction Double_t fAltitude reconstructed altitude of shower maximum Float_t fGtuMin minimum Gtu in the selected cluster Float_t fGtuMax maximum Gtu in the selected cluster Float_t fQuantumEff PMT quantum efficiency Float_t fEusoAlt Euso Altitude Float_t fEusoRadius Euso Radius Int_t fMinuitOutputLevel see EnergyModule.cfg for explanations Int_t fViewThreshold Threshold to visualize the event Int_t fThreshold minimum number of p.e. per pixel per GTU Int_t fFitMode see EnergyModule.cfg file for explanations Float_t fTotalYield estimated fluorescence yield Double_t fEnergy reconstructed energy Double_t fEnergyError reconstructed energy error Double_t fEnergyChi2 Chi2/NDF for energy fit Double_t fFluorMaxPe Fitted Number of p.e. in fluorescence maximum Double_t fDeltaL track length corresponding to one GTU Int_t fGtuAtMax Gtu Hit corresponding to Shower Maximum Float_t fGtuTimeAtMax Time at the Shower Maximum (may be different from fGtuMax) Float_t fThetaFoVAtMax Theta FoV at Shower Maximum Float_t fPhiFoVAtMax Phi FoV at Shower Maximum Float_t fMeanAttenuation Mean Attenuation from the shower maximum Float_t fMeanLambdaOnEntrancePupil Float_t fRmax Distance between shower maximum and EUSO Float_t fBackground Estimated background of p.e. per pixel per GTU EarthVector fMaxPos Estimated Vector of shower Maximum position SlastShowerGenerator* fShowerGenerator ShowerGenerator TH1F* fEPspectrum Histo with Entrance Pupil spectrum TH1F* fEPphotons Histo with Entrance Pupil photons map<Int_t,TPolyLine*> fPmtLines map<Int_t,TPolyLine*> fPixelLines map<int,vector<int,allocator<int> >,less<int>,allocator<pair<const int,vector<int,allocator<int> > > > > fGtuPixels map with vector of pixels for each Gtu hit belonging to the cluster map<int,vector<int,allocator<int> >,less<int>,allocator<pair<const int,vector<int,allocator<int> > > > > fGtuMyPixels map with vector of pixels for each Gtu hit belonging to my cluster string fSaveEps yes/no save or not eps files string fEnergyDistributionName name of energy distribution TCanvas* fCanvas Canvas used for all debugging plots TGraphErrors* fGraphTheta ThetaFoV graph for the pixels in cluster TGraphErrors* fGraphPhi ThetaFoV graph for the pixels in cluster TGraphErrors* fGraphXY ThetaFoV graph for the pixels in cluster TGraphErrors* fPhotoElectrons Distribution of p.e. versus time TGraphErrors* fMyPhotoElectrons Distribution of p.e. versus time TGraph* fPsfOverlap efficacy overlap with pixels in cluster TGraph* fPsfIdealOverlap efficacy overlap with focal surface in cluster TGraph* fBgGraph background vs GTU TSpline3* fRecovery spline for the recovery function TSpline3* fEffIdeal spline for the recovery function Float_t fXmin Minimum X of View Float_t fXmax Maximum X of View Float_t fYmin Minimum Y of View Float_t fYmax Maximum Y of View EnergyModuleData fData container with needed data to make TMinuit fit
Class Description
Bool_t Init()
Get fluorescence calculator
Bool_t PreProcess()
void CreateAuxilaryObjects()
void ClearGraphs()
void LoadModules()
Load information from previous modules essential for the energy reconstruction
Float_t MakeFluorYield()
Estimate fluorescence yield for the shower maximum
void DefinePixelsView()
returnes vector of RecoPixelData which should be considered in both Viewer and Energy reconstruction
void DisplayCluster()
void SortGtu()
Prepare map <GtuHit_t,Pixels_t>
void DumpGtuSorted()
dump on screen
void BuildFoVAngleFunctions()
make two maps
void FindThetaPhiAtMaximum()
Float_t ThetaFoV(Float_t time)
Float_t PhiFoV(Float_t time)
Bool_t BuildRecoveryFunction()
Build the recovery function along the track for a number of steps along the track compute overlap of efficacy with pixels coverage.
void FillDataStructure()
Fill data container object fData of type EnergyModuleData
Bool_t ShowerTrack3D()
make the first point and get the shower track for energy of 1.e21 and reconstructed angles
void FitTimeDistribution()
Fit temporal distribution define the data point and plot them for the check
void FitMode1()
void FitMode2()
void FitMode2fumili()
void SaveFitInfo()
void EstimateBackground()
Bool_t Process(RecoEvent *ev)
manager of the energy reconstruction chain
Bool_t PostProcess()
Bool_t SaveRootData(RecoRootEvent *fRecoRootEvent)
Save desired information into the reco root file
Bool_t Done()
Here we inform that the module is ended its work
void UserMemoryClean()
Here we clear any auxilary objects created during one event energy reconstruction
Inline Functions
void ~EnergyModule() EnergyModule EnergyModule() const char* ClassType() const const char* ClassName() const TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)