Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  


#include "HmaxByShapeMethodModule.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class HmaxByShapeMethodModule : public RecoModule

Inheritance Chart:

HmaxByShapeMethodModule() virtual ~HmaxByShapeMethodModule() static TClass* Class() Double_t DeltaL(Double_t) void DensityToAltitude() virtual Bool_t Done() void GetAltitude() Float_t GetBackground() const vector<RecoPixelData*>& GetClusters() const Double_t GetDensity() Double_t GetEnergy() Float_t GetFluorMaxTime() Double_t GetTheta() virtual Bool_t Init() virtual TClass* IsA() const Double_t nOmega(Double_t) Int_t PixelId(Double_t) virtual Bool_t PostProcess() virtual Bool_t PreProcess() virtual Bool_t Process(RecoEvent*) virtual Bool_t SaveRootData(RecoRootEvent*) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual void UserMemoryClean()

Data Members

Int_t fNum event number vector<Int_t> fPointsId vector<RecoPixelData*> cluster all cluster in one vector RecoEvent* fEv pointer to the reco event Int_t fNumPoints Int_t fNumHits Double_t fEnergy assumed energy Double_t fTheta reconstrustructed from the previous module Theta zenith angle Double_t fPhi reconstrustructed from the previous module Phi azimuthal angle Double_t fAltitude reconstructed altitude of shower maximum Double_t fDensity reconstructed air density at the shower maximum position Int_t fFluorMaxAt hit number corresponding to the fluorescent maximum TVector3 fOmega reconstructed unit vector along the shower direction Float_t fGtuLength Gate Time Unit length in microsecond Float_t fFirstHit First time hit of the event Float_t fLastHit Last time hit of the event Float_t fMeanBackground Mean value of the background in the event TH1F* fTemp temporary histogram TF1* fFitFcn Fit function TF1* fFluor Fluoresence fit function Float_t fChi2 Chi2/NDF after the fit Double_t fFluorMaxPe Fitted Number of p.e. in fluorescence maximum Double_t fFluorMaxPeObs Observed Number of p.e. in fluorescence maximum Double_t fFluorMaxTime Time corresponding to fluorescence maximum TCanvas* fc Canvas for drawings TString fEventTag Unique Event tag number

Class Description

Bool_t Init()

Bool_t PreProcess()

Bool_t Process(RecoEvent *ev)

Bool_t PostProcess()

Bool_t SaveRootData(RecoRootEvent *fRecoRootEvent)

Bool_t Done()

void UserMemoryClean()

Int_t PixelId(Double_t time)

Double_t nOmega(Double_t time)
 This method computes the scalar product of the shower unit vector
 Omega (sin(Theta)*cos(Phi), sin(Theta)*sin(Phi), cos(Theta))
 and the given pixel unit vector aling its field of view direction

Double_t DeltaL(Double_t time)
 This method returns the track length inclined with Theta and Phi zenith and azimuth angles
 respectively seen by the given pixel in one GTU time interval

void GetAltitude()

void DensityToAltitude()

Inline Functions

                                 void ~HmaxByShapeMethodModule()
              HmaxByShapeMethodModule HmaxByShapeMethodModule()
                              Float_t GetBackground()
        const vector<RecoPixelData*>& GetClusters() const
                             Double_t GetEnergy()
                             Double_t GetTheta()
                              Float_t GetFluorMaxTime()
                             Double_t GetDensity()
                              TClass* Class()
                              TClass* IsA() const
                                 void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                                 void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                                 void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
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