#include "HoughFit.hh" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
class HoughFit
Inheritance Chart: | |||||
void Clear() void DoLinear(Int_t firsttimedo) void DoNumerical() void DoSinusoidal(Int_t firsttimedo) public:
HoughFit(vector<Double_t> x, vector<Double_t> y, vector<Int_t> c, Int_t fDoSelection, Float_t ex, Float_t ey) HoughFit(const HoughFit&) virtual ~HoughFit() static TClass* Class() Float_t GetAbsDev() Float_t GetMaxToMedium() Double_t GetMaxx() Double_t GetMaxy() Double_t GetMinx() Double_t GetMiny() Int_t GetNumPoints() Int_t GetNumPointsSelected() Double_t GetOffset() Double_t GetSlope() Double_t Getwidth() virtual TClass* IsA() const HoughFit& operator=(const HoughFit&) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Data Members
Float_t cmaxtocmedio Float_t cmaxtocmediotmp Float_t epsx Float_t epsy Float_t absdev Int_t fNumPoints Double_t fminx Double_t fminy Double_t fmaxx Double_t fmaxy vector<Double_t> fPointsX vector<Double_t> fPointsY vector<Int_t> fCounts Double_t fSlopetopass Double_t fOffsettopass Double_t fSlope Double_t fOffset Double_t fwidth Int_t fNumPointsselected public:
vector<Double_t> xsel vector<Double_t> ysel vector<Int_t> csel Int_t fthereissignal
Class Description
void Clear()
void DoSinusoidal(Int_t firsttimedo)
recognition of linear tracks with sinusoidal Hough Transform in the space of parameters (ro,theta) P_i: (x_i,y_i) --> S_i: ro=x_i*cos(theta)+y_i*sin(theta)
void DoLinear(Int_t firsttimedo)
recognition of linear tracks with linear Hough Transform in the space of parameters (q,m) P_i: (x_i,y_i) --> L_i: q=-m*x_i+y_i
void DoNumerical()
to be implemented..
Inline Functions
void ~HoughFit() HoughFit HoughFit(vector<Double_t> x, vector<Double_t> y, vector<Int_t> c, Int_t fDoSelection, Float_t ex, Float_t ey) Double_t GetSlope() Double_t GetOffset() Double_t Getwidth() Int_t GetNumPoints() Int_t GetNumPointsSelected() Double_t GetMinx() Double_t GetMiny() Double_t GetMaxx() Double_t GetMaxy() Float_t GetAbsDev() Float_t GetMaxToMedium() TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) HoughFit HoughFit(const HoughFit&) HoughFit& operator=(const HoughFit&)