#include "ListPhotonsInAtmosphere.hh" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
class ListPhotonsInAtmosphere : public PhotonsInAtmosphere
Inheritance Chart: | |||||||||||||
ListPhotonsInAtmosphere() ListPhotonsInAtmosphere(const ListPhotonsInAtmosphere&) virtual ~ListPhotonsInAtmosphere() void Add(SinglePhoton*, Bool_t saved = false) void Add(BunchOfPhotons*) void Add(vector<SinglePhoton*>&, Bool_t saved = false) void Add(ListPhotonsInAtmosphere&, Bool_t saved = false) static TClass* Class() void Clear() void ClearTrack() void Copy(const vector<SinglePhoton*>&, Bool_t saved = false) void Copy(const ListPhotonsInAtmosphere&, Bool_t saved = false) void FillTrack(const EarthVector& v) BunchOfPhotons* GetBunch() const unsigned int GetBunchEntries() const const vector<BunchOfPhotons*>& GetListOfBunch() const const vector<SinglePhoton*>& GetListOfSingle() const UInt_t GetNbNotSaved() const UInt_t GetNbTrackSteps() const SinglePhoton* GetSingle() const unsigned int GetSingleEntries() const const EarthVector& GetTrackStep(UInt_t i) const virtual TClass* IsA() const void OneSingleSaved() const void Reset(Int_t t = 0) void SetNbTrackSteps(UInt_t nb) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) UInt_t TrackStepIndex(const EarthVector&) const UInt_t TrackStepIndex(const EarthVector&, EarthVector& rtn) const
Data Members
vector<SinglePhoton*> fListSingle vector<BunchOfPhotons*> fListBunch vector<EarthVector> fTrack set of steps adapted from shower simulation, used in propagation UInt_t fTrackNbSteps nb of fTrack elements UInt_t fNbNotSaved nb of *last added* SinglePhotons which still need to be saved into root UInt_t fCountS for extraction of SinglePhoton UInt_t fCountB for extraction of BunchOfPhotons
Class Description
SinglePhoton* GetSingle() const
Extract one photon from the list
BunchOfPhotons* GetBunch() const
Extract one Bunch of photons from the list
void Add(SinglePhoton* p, Bool_t saved)
add photon to the lists if saved true, means photon is already saved into root
void Add(BunchOfPhotons* p)
Add bunch of photons to the lists
void Add(vector<SinglePhoton*>& list, Bool_t saved)
Add a list of SinglePhoton to the list of singles IMPORTANT : "list" is then destroyed to avoid wrong manipulation of pointers if saved true, means SinglePhotons are already saved into root
void Add(ListPhotonsInAtmosphere& list, Bool_t saved)
Add the elements of the given list IMPORTANT : "list" is then destroyed to avoid wrong manipulation of pointers if saved true, means SinglePhotons are already saved into root
void Copy(const vector<SinglePhoton*>& list, Bool_t saved)
Same as the matching Add() method, BUT copies of pointers hold by list are created, instead of storing the same pointers
void Copy(const ListPhotonsInAtmosphere& list, Bool_t saved)
Same as the matching Add() method, BUT copies of list's SinglePhoton and BunchOfPhotons are created, instead of storing the pointers hold by list, so that the internal vectors of list are not destroyed
void Clear()
Clear the two lists
void Reset(int t)
Delete photons in "vector" lists - t = 0 both list, fTrack deleted - t = 1 singles not deleted - t = 2 bunches and fTrack not deleted
UInt_t TrackStepIndex(const EarthVector& pos) const
Return the fTrack step index that matches pos projection on the track
UInt_t TrackStepIndex(const EarthVector& pos, EarthVector& rtn) const
Same as above + returns pos projection along the track
Inline Functions
void ~ListPhotonsInAtmosphere() ListPhotonsInAtmosphere ListPhotonsInAtmosphere() ListPhotonsInAtmosphere ListPhotonsInAtmosphere(const ListPhotonsInAtmosphere&) const vector<SinglePhoton*>& GetListOfSingle() const const vector<BunchOfPhotons*>& GetListOfBunch() const unsigned int GetBunchEntries() const unsigned int GetSingleEntries() const void OneSingleSaved() const UInt_t GetNbNotSaved() const void SetNbTrackSteps(UInt_t nb) UInt_t GetNbTrackSteps() const void FillTrack(const EarthVector& v) const EarthVector& GetTrackStep(UInt_t i) const void ClearTrack() TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)