#include "MasterShowerModule.hh" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
class MasterShowerModule : public RecoModule
Inheritance Chart: | |||||||||||||||
MasterShowerModule() virtual ~MasterShowerModule() static TClass* Class() virtual Bool_t Done() virtual Bool_t Init() virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Bool_t PostProcess() virtual Bool_t PreProcess() virtual Bool_t Process(RecoEvent*) virtual Bool_t SaveRootData(RecoRootEvent*) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) virtual void UserMemoryClean()
Data Members
vector<Int_t> fPointsId vector<RecoPixelData*> cluster all cluster in one vector RecoEvent* fEv pointer to teh reco event Int_t fNumPoints Int_t fNumHits Double_t fEnergy assumed energy Double_t fTheta reconstrustructed from the previous module Theta zenith angle Double_t fPhi reconstrustructed from the previous module Phi azimuthal angle Double_t fAltitude reconstructed altitude of shower maximum TVector3 fOmega reconstructed unit vector along the shower direction Float_t fGtuLength Gate Time Unit length in microsecond Float_t fFirstHit First time hit of the event Float_t fLastHit Last time hit of the event Float_t fMeanBackground Mean value of the background in the event TH1F* fTemp temporary histogram
Class Description
MasterShowerModule <extensive class description> Config file parameters ====================== <parameter name>: <parameter description> -Valid options: <available options>
Bool_t Init()
Bool_t PreProcess()
Bool_t Process(RecoEvent *ev)
Bool_t PostProcess()
Bool_t Done()
void UserMemoryClean()
Bool_t SaveRootData(RecoRootEvent *fRecoRootEvent)
Inline Functions
void ~MasterShowerModule() MasterShowerModule MasterShowerModule() TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)