#include "OADBPhotons.hh" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
class OADBPhotons : public TObject
Inheritance Chart: | |||||||||
OADBPhotons() OADBPhotons(const OADBPhotons&) virtual ~OADBPhotons() static TClass* Class() void Clean() Float_t GetAngle() const Int_t GetAngleId() const const Float_t* GetPhiOut() const Int_t GetSize() const const Float_t* GetThetaOut() const const Float_t* GetThroughput() const Float_t GetWavelength() const Int_t GetWavelengthId() const const Float_t* GetXOut() const const Float_t* GetYOut() const virtual TClass* IsA() const OADBPhotons& operator=(const OADBPhotons&) Bool_t SaveGhost(Int_t) Bool_t SavePhoton(Int_t, Photon*, Float_t) void SetAngle(Float_t th, Int_t id = -1) Bool_t SetSize(Int_t) void SetWavelength(Float_t wl, Int_t id = -1) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Data Members
Float_t fLambda wavelength Float_t fThetaFoV angle Int_t fAngleId angle id, used in the binary file building (-1 if none) Int_t fWlId wavelength id, used in the binary file building (-1 if none) Int_t fNumPhotons size of the photons' array Float_t* fThroughput [fNumPhotons] Float_t* fXOut [fNumPhotons] Float_t* fYOut [fNumPhotons] Float_t* fThetaOut [fNumPhotons] Float_t* fPhiOut [fNumPhotons]
Class Description
Bool_t SetSize(Int_t s)
void Clean()
Bool_t SavePhoton(Int_t i,Photon *ph, Float_t tr)
Bool_t SaveGhost(Int_t i)
Inline Functions
void ~OADBPhotons() OADBPhotons OADBPhotons() const Float_t* GetThroughput() const const Float_t* GetXOut() const const Float_t* GetYOut() const const Float_t* GetThetaOut() const const Float_t* GetPhiOut() const Int_t GetSize() const Float_t GetAngle() const Int_t GetAngleId() const Float_t GetWavelength() const Int_t GetWavelengthId() const void SetAngle(Float_t th, Int_t id = -1) void SetWavelength(Float_t wl, Int_t id = -1) TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) OADBPhotons OADBPhotons(const OADBPhotons&) OADBPhotons& operator=(const OADBPhotons&)