#include "OAPxPlayer.hh" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
class OAPxPlayer : public TObject
Inheritance Chart: | |||||||||
void Init() Int_t UidToIndex(Int_t uid) public:
OAPxPlayer(TTree*) OAPxPlayer(const OAPxPlayer&) virtual ~OAPxPlayer() static TClass* Class() void ClearBuffers() Bool_t DrawChannel(Int_t uid, Option_t* = "theta") void DrawHisto(Int_t hid) void ExportMap(const char*) Bool_t Fit(Int_t uid, Option_t* = "WQE0") Int_t GetBufferSize() Int_t GetBufferSize(Int_t i) Int_t GetFirst() Int_t GetFitThreshold() Float_t GetNSigma() virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t LoadBuffer(Int_t firstid, Long_t entries = 0) Bool_t LoadChannel(Int_t uid) void MakeMap(Int_t first = 0, Int_t last = 0, const char* filename = "0") Bool_t OldFit(Int_t uid, Option_t* = "WQE0") OAPxPlayer& operator=(const OAPxPlayer&) void SetFitThreshold(Int_t t) void SetNSigma(Float_t t) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Data Members
TTree* fTree OAPxBunch* fBunch Int_t fNumPixels size of pixelmap TArrayF fTheta TArrayF fThetaRMS TArrayF fPhi TArrayF fPhiRMS Int_t fBufferSize size of the buffers Long_t fMaxSize max buffer size vector<vector<Float_t> > fThetaFOVBuffer ! vector<vector<Float_t> > fPhiFOVBuffer ! Int_t fFirst ! first index of the current buffer Float_t fNSigma number of sigma to limit fit at Int_t fFitThreshold min number of hits per channel Int_t fNBins bins of th and ph histos Int_t fNBinsFit bins in fDetail TH1F* fH1DistTheta ! temporary 1D histogram TH1F* fH1DistPhi ! temporary 1D histogram TH1F* fH1FitTheta ! temp TH1F* fH1FitPhi ! temp TH2F* fH2DistXY !
Class Description
void Init()
initialize buffers
Bool_t LoadBuffer(Int_t firstid, Long_t entries)
load channel data from first to first+fBufferSize
Bool_t LoadChannel(Int_t uid)
load id if it is out of current buffer
void ClearBuffers()
clears buffers
Bool_t OldFit(Int_t uid, Option_t *option)
Bool_t Fit(Int_t uid, Option_t *option)
Bool_t DrawChannel(Int_t uid, Option_t *option)
void ExportMap(const char* filename)
void MakeMap(Int_t first, Int_t last, const char* filename)
loop on pixels and calls NewFit for each one. if filemane is not null it
void DrawHisto(Int_t hid)
Draws one of the buffer's histos hid = 1 oapx_theta 2 oapx_thfit 3 oapx_phi 4 oapx_phifit 5 oapx_xy
Inline Functions
void ~OAPxPlayer() OAPxPlayer OAPxPlayer(TTree*) Int_t GetBufferSize() Int_t GetBufferSize(Int_t i) Float_t GetNSigma() Int_t GetFirst() Int_t GetFitThreshold() void SetNSigma(Float_t t) void SetFitThreshold(Int_t t) Int_t UidToIndex(Int_t uid) TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) OAPxPlayer OAPxPlayer(const OAPxPlayer&) OAPxPlayer& operator=(const OAPxPlayer&)