Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  


#include "ShowerStep.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class ShowerStep

Inheritance Chart:

ShowerStep() ShowerStep(const ShowerStep&) virtual ~ShowerStep() static TClass* Class() void Clear() Double_t GetAgef() const Double_t GetAgei() const Double_t GetEloss() const const TH1F* GetHistoAngCher() const const TH1F* GetHistoEnergy() const const TH1F* GetHistoEnergy() const const TH1F* GetHistoLateral() const const TH1F* GetHistoLateral() const const TH2F* GetHistoRadDTimeEle() const const TH2F* GetHistoRadPhiEle() const const TH2F* GetHistoRadPhiEloss() const Double_t GetNcharged() const Double_t GetNcherenkov() const Double_t GetNelectrons() const ShowerTrack* GetParentTrack() const Int_t GetStepID() const Double_t GetTimef() const Double_t GetTimei() const Double_t GetXf() const Double_t GetXi() const EVector GetXYZf() const EVector GetXYZi() const virtual TClass* IsA() const ShowerStep& operator=(const ShowerStep&) void SetParentTrack(ShowerTrack* track) void SetStepID(Int_t n) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Double_t fXi Slant Depth of the first point of the step Double_t fXf Slant Depth of the last point of the step EVector fXYZi 3D coordinates in MES of the first point of the step EVector fXYZf 3D coordinates in MES of the last point of the step Double_t fTimei Time of the passage of shower axis in fXYZi Double_t fTimef Time of the passage of shower axis in fXYZf Double_t fAgei age of the shower at fXYZi Double_t fAgef age of the shower at fXYZf Double_t fNelectrons Number of electrons at (fXf+fXi)/2 Double_t fNcharged Number of charged part. at (fXf+fXi)/2 Double_t fEloss Energy loss by ionization during the Step Double_t fNcherenkov Number of Cherenov photons produced in the Step TH1F* fHistoEnergy histogram of energy distribution of fNelectrons TH1F* fHistoLateral histogram of lateral distribution of fNelectrons TH2F* fHistoEneAng histogram of energy and polar angular distribution of fNelectrons TH2F* fHistoRadPhiEle histogram of Electron radial and phi distribution along axis (phi=0 is the TH2F* fHistoRadDTimeEle histogram of Radial and Delta-Time respecto to axis Time for fNelectrons TH2F* fHistoRadPhiEloss histogram of Energy loss radial and phi distribution along axis (phi=0 is TH1F* fHistoAngCher histogram of polar angular distribution of Cherenkov photons fNcherenkov ShowerTrack* fParentTrack pointer to the ShowerStep container Int_t fStepID number of the current step

Class Description

 ShowerStep is the universal container of Atmospheric Air Shower
 produced by Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray entering the atmosphere.
 ShowerStep is a vector element of the ShowerTrack object which is
 produced by interfaces to specific generators like CORSICA, AIRES, UNISIM, SLAST, etc
 ShowerStep contains relevant information of EAS development at the given
 position in space

void Clear()
 Clear the step

const TH1F* GetHistoEnergy()
 This method returns pointer to the histogram with energy distribution of
 electrons at the given step filled by the Shower Generator. If Shower
 Generator does not provide this information the histogram is filled
 automatically according to configured analitical distribution.

const TH1F* GetHistoEnergy() const
 const version of GetHistoEnergy

const TH1F* GetHistoLateral()
 This method returns pointer to the histogram with lateral distribution
 of electrons at the given step filled by the Shower Generator. If Shower
 Generator does not provide this information the histogram is filled
 automatically according to configured analitical distribution.

const TH1F* GetHistoLateral() const
 const version of GetHistoLateral

Inline Functions

                void ~ShowerStep()
          ShowerStep ShowerStep()
          ShowerStep ShowerStep(const ShowerStep&)
            Double_t GetXi() const
            Double_t GetXf() const
             EVector GetXYZi() const
             EVector GetXYZf() const
            Double_t GetTimei() const
            Double_t GetTimef() const
            Double_t GetAgei() const
            Double_t GetAgef() const
            Double_t GetNelectrons() const
            Double_t GetNcharged() const
            Double_t GetEloss() const
            Double_t GetNcherenkov() const
         const TH2F* GetHistoRadPhiEle() const
         const TH2F* GetHistoRadDTimeEle() const
         const TH2F* GetHistoRadPhiEloss() const
         const TH1F* GetHistoAngCher() const
        ShowerTrack* GetParentTrack() const
               Int_t GetStepID() const
                void SetStepID(Int_t n)
                void SetParentTrack(ShowerTrack* track)
             TClass* Class()
             TClass* IsA() const
                void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
         ShowerStep& operator=(const ShowerStep&)
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