Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  


#include "ChipTrackingTrgEngine.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class ChipTrackingTrgEngine : public TriggerEngine

Inheritance Chart:

ChipTrackingTrgEngine() virtual ~ChipTrackingTrgEngine() static TClass* Class() virtual const char* ClassName() const virtual const char* ClassType() const void Clear() void Dump(Int_t) void FillEEvent(Int_t) void FillRunPars() virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Simulate(MacroCellData*) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Int_t fThreshold threshold on pixel hits in a gtu Bool_t fRelativeThreshold true if the threshold is relative to the mean value Int_t fMinTrackLength algorithm searches for tracks of length Int_t fMaxTrackLength between fMinTrackLength and fMaxTrackLength Int_t fMinTriggerTrackLength min trigger track length in a single chip Int_t fMinTriggerTwoLength min trigger track length in two nearby chips Int_t fMaxTwoLength max length for trigger in two nearby chips Bool_t fAcceptHole true if we accept an hole in a track in a single chip Bool_t fOnlyWithSignal if true the algorithm processes only chip with signal map<Int_t,vector<ChipTrackSegment> > fTrackSegments map for storing data

Class Description

  Chip Tracking Trigger Engine

  Tracking trigger built in front end chip.
  The algorithm searches for sequences of pixels (over the threshold)
  consequtive and adjacent. If the track length is over a threshold,
  trigger occurs.
  The algorithm searches also between track segments of two nearby chips:
  if two track segments are consequtive in time and the total length is
  over a threshold (different from the previous one), trigger occurs


  fThresholdType: specify if the threshold on pixel hits in a gtu is absolute
                  or relative
  Valid options:
    - absolute: the value specified in fThreshold is the minimum number of hits
                in a gtu to consider
    - relative: trigger threshold depends by the mean value of the background
                hits (B) in each pixel:
           threshold = (B) + fThreshold*sqrt(B)
  fThreshold: threshold on pixel hits in a gtu; if fThresholdType=relative the
              true threshold used by trigger algorithm depends by the mean hits
              of background in each pixel (see above)
  fMinTrackLenght: min length of the valid tracks
  fMaxTrackLength: max length of the valid tracks
  fMinTriggerTrackLength: min track length to have a trigger (single chip)
  fMinTriggerTwoLength: min total track length in 2 nearby chips
  fMaxTwoLength: max track length allowed in 2 nearby chips

  fAcceptHole [bool] : an hole in a single track segment is or not accepted
  fOnlyWithSignal [bool] : processes or not only chips ith at least a signal

ChipTrackingTrgEngine() : TriggerEngine(string("ChipTrackingTrgEngine"), kChipTrackingTrigger )


void Clear()
 Clear data container

void Simulate( MacroCellData* pData)
 Simulate chip tracking trigger algorithm

void FillEEvent( Int_t cell_id )
 Fill root event.
 Save all the chip track segments on the root file.

void FillRunPars()
 Fill run parameters

void Dump( Int_t cell_id )
 Dump the number of tracks (triggered and total) for each chip

Inline Functions

        const char* ClassType() const
        const char* ClassName() const
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
               void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
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