Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  


#include "EDetector.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class EDetector : public TObject, public EFillable

Inheritance Chart:
void ClearCopy() Bool_t IsCopy() const void SetCopy(Bool_t val = kTRUE) public:
EDetector() EDetector(const EDetector&) virtual ~EDetector() static TClass* Class() virtual void Clear(Option_t* = "") virtual void Copy(TObject&) const EAFee* GetAFee(Int_t index) const const EElectronics* GetElectronics() const EFee* GetFee(Int_t index) const Float_t GetFirstGtuTime() const Float_t GetFirstTime() const Float_t GetLastTime() const EMacroCell* GetMacroCell(Int_t index) const EMacroCellHit* GetMacroCellHit(Int_t index) const Int_t GetNumAFee() const Int_t GetNumCellHits() const Int_t GetNumCells() const Int_t GetNumFee() const Int_t GetNumPhotons() const EDetPhoton* GetPhoton(Int_t index) const const EDetStatus* GetStatus() const virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsNightGlowFillable() Bool_t IsPhotonFillable() EDetector& operator=(const EDetector&) virtual void Print(Option_t* option) const ERunParameters* RunPars() void SetNightGlowFillable(Bool_t e = kTRUE) void SetPhotonFillable(Bool_t e = kTRUE) void SetRunPars(ERunParameters* r) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Bool_t fPhotonFillable true to enable photon adders Bool_t fNightGlowFillable true to enable ng hits adders TRef fRunPars pointer to run parameters EElectronics fElectronics euso detector electronics status EDetStatus fStatus a summary of the content of the detector Int_t fNumPhotons number of EDetPhoton in fPhotons array Int_t fNumCellHits number of EMacroCellHit in fMacroCellHits array Int_t fNumFee number of EFee objects in fFee Int_t fNumAFee number of EAFee objects in fAFee Int_t fNumCells number of EMacroCell objects Float_t fFirstTime time of the first photon entering pupil Float_t fLastTime time of the last photon entering pupil TClonesArray* fPhotons -> all photons entering the pupil with history in detector TClonesArray* fMacroCellHits -> macroCell hit data TClonesArray* fFee -> front end chip data (digital+full analog if present) TClonesArray* fAFee -> analog specific data (last dynode + trigger info if any) TClonesArray* fMacroCell -> data for each macroCell with activity static TClonesArray* fgPhotons static TClonesArray* fgMacroCellHits static TClonesArray* fgFee static TClonesArray* fgAFee static TClonesArray* fgMacroCell Bool_t fCopy

Class Description


void Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)
 Stream an object of class EDetector.

EDetector() : TObject()

EDetector(const EDetector& other) : TObject()
 copy ctor


void Copy( TObject& other) const

void Clear( Option_t* opt )
 build header

void Print( Option_t* ) const

void ClearCopy()
 delete TClonesArray in case of copied events

Inline Functions

                       void SetPhotonFillable(Bool_t e = kTRUE)
                     Bool_t IsPhotonFillable()
                       void SetNightGlowFillable(Bool_t e = kTRUE)
                     Bool_t IsNightGlowFillable()
                       void SetRunPars(ERunParameters* r)
            ERunParameters* RunPars()
        const EElectronics* GetElectronics() const
          const EDetStatus* GetStatus() const
                      Int_t GetNumPhotons() const
                      Int_t GetNumCellHits() const
                      Int_t GetNumFee() const
                      Int_t GetNumAFee() const
                      Int_t GetNumCells() const
                    Float_t GetFirstTime() const
                    Float_t GetLastTime() const
                    Float_t GetFirstGtuTime() const
                EDetPhoton* GetPhoton(Int_t index) const
             EMacroCellHit* GetMacroCellHit(Int_t index) const
                      EFee* GetFee(Int_t index) const
                     EAFee* GetAFee(Int_t index) const
                EMacroCell* GetMacroCell(Int_t index) const
                       void SetCopy(Bool_t val = kTRUE)
                     Bool_t IsCopy() const
                    TClass* Class()
                    TClass* IsA() const
                       void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                       void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
                 EDetector& operator=(const EDetector&)
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