Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  


#include "PixelMapBuilder.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class PixelMapBuilder : public EsafMsgSource

Inheritance Chart:

PixelMapBuilder() virtual ~PixelMapBuilder() Bool_t AddToChain(const char* name) size_t BufEntrySize(Int_t i) size_t BufferEntries() Bool_t CheckPixelInBuffer(Int_t first) static TClass* Class() Bool_t ClearFit() Bool_t ClearPixelsBuffers() Bool_t CloseRoot() void ComputeMap(Int_t first, Int_t last, const char* opt) TCanvas* DrawHistPad() const void DumpHit() const Bool_t FillPixelsBuffer(Int_t first) Bool_t Fit(Int_t uid, Option_t* option) Long_t GetBufferSize() Int_t GetBufIndex() const Float_t GetFoV() Float_t GetFullFoV() Int_t GetHitsThreshold() const Long_t GetMaxBufSize() Int_t GetNphotons() Float_t GetNsigma() const Bool_t InitFit() virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t MakeMap(const char* hits, const char* mapfile) Bool_t MakePhotonsFile(const char* name, Long_t n) Int_t MapSize() Bool_t OpenChain(const char* name) Bool_t OpenChain(const char** name, Int_t n) Bool_t OpenRoot(const char* name, Bool_t write = kFALSE) void OptimizeBuffer() void SetDisplay(EGViewer* display) void SetFoV(Float_t fov) void SetFullFoV(Float_t fov) void SetHitsThreshold(Int_t t) void SetMaxBufSize(Long_t size) void SetNphotons(Int_t n) void SetNsigma(Float_t t) void SetSaveHistograms(const char* name = "0") virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) void TrackPhotons() Int_t UidToIndex(Int_t uid) void WriteMap(const char* name)

Data Members

static const enum PixelMapBuilder:: kBufEmpty DiffusePhotonsOnPupil fPupil photons generator EusoDetector* fDetector detector DetectorTransportManager* fTransporter photons transporter EusoElectronics* fElectronics electronics TString fHitsRootFileName TFile* fHitsRootFile output file TTree* fHitsTree ttree containing the hits on the pixels TChain* fHitsChain Chain for multiple file processing Long64_t fNphotons total number of photons TString fFitHistsFileName TFile* fFitHistsFile TTree* fFitHistsTree PixelMapBuilder::Hit fHit PixelMapBuilder::Header* fHeader Long_t fBufIndex index Long_t fBufferSize size of the buffers Long_t fMaxBufSize max buffer size vector<vector<Float_t> > fThetaFOVBuffer vector<vector<Float_t> > fPhiFOVBuffer Int_t fHitsThreshold min number of hits per channel Int_t fNbins bins of th and ph histos Int_t fNbinsFit bins in fDetail Float_t fNsigma number of sigma to limit fit at Float_t fFoV fov used for the input photons Float_t fFullFoV detector's field of view Int_t fFitUID uid of the last fitted pixel TArrayF fMapTheta TArrayF fMapThetaRMS TArrayF fMapPhi TArrayF fMapPhiRMS TArrayI fMapIndex pixel content. size = Npixles+1 (status) TH1F* fH1FitTheta histograms for fitting theta TH1F* fH1FitPhi histograms for fitting phi TH2F* fH2FitThetaPhi TH2F* fH2ThetaPhi full fov histogram for peak location EGViewer* fDisplay

Class Description


 Works in 2 modes

 Create the photon's file for the anaysis


PixelMapBuilder() : fHitsRootFile(0), fHitsTree(0), fHitsChain(0), fFitHistsFile(0), fFitHistsTree(0), fFitUID(0), fH1FitTheta(0), fH1FitPhi(0), fH2FitThetaPhi(0), fH2ThetaPhi(0), fDisplay(0)


Bool_t AddToChain( const char* name )

Bool_t OpenChain( const char* name )

Bool_t OpenChain( const char** name, Int_t n )

Bool_t OpenRoot( const char* name, Bool_t write )
 Open rootfile with the correct name

Bool_t CloseRoot()
 close root file

void TrackPhotons()
 build the map

Bool_t MakePhotonsFile( const char* name, Long_t n)

Bool_t MakeMap( const char* hits, const char* mapfile)

void ComputeMap(Int_t first, Int_t last, const char* opt)
 Fits the histograms

void OptimizeBuffer()
 Tries to evaluate the expectes average number of hits per pixel and the
 length of the buffers to match fBufferSize. Then reserves the
 corresponding amount of memory in the bugger

Bool_t InitFit()

Bool_t ClearFit()
 Clears the histograms usend in the fit procedure

Bool_t FillPixelsBuffer(Int_t startuid )
 Fills the buffer starting from

Bool_t CheckPixelInBuffer(Int_t uid)
 load id if it is out of current buffer

Bool_t ClearPixelsBuffers()
 clears buffers

Bool_t Fit(Int_t uid, Option_t *option)

TCanvas* DrawHistPad() const
 Draws one of the buffer's histos

void DumpHit() const

void WriteMap(const char* name)
 Write the map to file in the ESAF format

Inline Functions

               void SetNphotons(Int_t n)
              Int_t GetNphotons()
             size_t BufferEntries()
             size_t BufEntrySize(Int_t i)
            Float_t GetNsigma() const
              Int_t GetBufIndex() const
              Int_t GetHitsThreshold() const
             Long_t GetMaxBufSize()
             Long_t GetBufferSize()
            Float_t GetFoV()
            Float_t GetFullFoV()
              Int_t MapSize()
               void SetNsigma(Float_t t)
               void SetHitsThreshold(Int_t t)
               void SetFoV(Float_t fov)
               void SetFullFoV(Float_t fov)
               void SetMaxBufSize(Long_t size)
               void SetDisplay(EGViewer* display)
               void SetSaveHistograms(const char* name = "0")
              Int_t UidToIndex(Int_t uid)
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA() const
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
               void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
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