Speaker | Title | Talk |
Piero Dalpiaz | 20 years of charmonium in pbar p annihilations | (N.A.) |
Jean-Marc Richard | Potential models of Charmonium | (.pdf) |
Nora Brambilla | Charmonium and QCD non relativistic effective theories | (.ps.gz) |
Massimo D'Elia | Charmonium and Lattice QCD | (.html) |
Estia Eichten | What's Left to Learn From Charmonium? | (N.A.) |
Speaker | Title | Talk |
Wander Baldini | Mass spectrum | (.ppt) (.htm) (.ps.gz) |
Roberto Mussa | Charmonium Radiative Decays: an Overview | (.pdf) (.htm) |
Adriaan Buijs | Gamma gamma partial widths of charmonium states | (.pdf) (.ps.gz) |
Shen Xiaoyan | Hadronic decays | (.ps.gz) |
Nadia Pastrone | Unconfirmed and missing states | (N.A.) |
Speaker | Title | Talk |
Rong Gang | Plans and Perspectives at BES | (N.A.) |
Ian Shipsey | Recent results from CLEO and the CLEO/CESR charm factory | (.ppt) |
Klaus Peters | HESR antiproton project at GSI | (N.A.) |
Stephen Pordes | Workshop summary | (N.A.) |