Thursday June 7th, afternoon
Phenomenological aspects
Speaker Title Talk
Piero Dalpiaz 20 years of charmonium in pbar p annihilations (N.A.)
Jean-Marc Richard Potential models of Charmonium (.pdf)
Nora Brambilla Charmonium and QCD non relativistic effective theories (.ps.gz)
Massimo D'Elia Charmonium and Lattice QCD (.html)
Estia Eichten What's Left to Learn From Charmonium? (N.A.)

Friday June 8th, morning
What we have learned (or not!) from past and present experiments
Speaker Title Talk
Wander Baldini Mass spectrum (.ppt) (.htm) (.ps.gz)
Roberto Mussa Charmonium Radiative Decays: an Overview (.pdf) (.htm)
Adriaan Buijs Gamma gamma partial widths of charmonium states (.pdf) (.ps.gz)
Shen Xiaoyan Hadronic decays (.ps.gz)
Nadia Pastrone Unconfirmed and missing states (N.A.)

Friday June 8th, afternoon
What we could learn from future experiments
Speaker Title Talk
Rong Gang Plans and Perspectives at BES (N.A.)
Ian Shipsey Recent results from CLEO and the CLEO/CESR charm factory (.ppt)
Klaus Peters HESR antiproton project at GSI (N.A.)
Stephen Pordes Workshop summary (N.A.)

Last update: 18 June 2001