#include "EShower.hh" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
class EShower : public TObject, public EFillable
Inheritance Chart: | |||||||||||
void ClearCopy() Bool_t IsCopy() const void SetCopy(Bool_t val = kTRUE) public:
EShower() EShower(const EShower&) virtual ~EShower() static TClass* Class() virtual void Clear(Option_t*) virtual void Copy(TObject&) const static EShower* GetCurrent() Float_t GetDir(Int_t i) const TVector3 GetDir() const Float_t GetElectrEthres() const Float_t GetEnergy() const Bool_t GetHitGround() const Float_t GetInitPos(Int_t i) const TVector3 GetInitPos() const Int_t GetNumSteps() Float_t GetPhi() const EShowerStep* GetStep(Int_t i) TClonesArray* GetSteps() Float_t GetTheta() const Float_t GetX1() const virtual TClass* IsA() const EShower& operator=(const EShower&) static void SetCurrent(EShower* sh) void SetDir(Int_t i, Float_t x) void SetDir(const TVector3& v) void SetElectrEthres(Float_t t) void SetEnergy(Float_t t) void SetHitGround(Bool_t h) void SetInitPos(const TVector3& v) void SetInitPos(Int_t i, Float_t x) void SetPhi(Float_t t) void SetTheta(Float_t t) void SetX1(Float_t t) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Data Members
Float_t fEnergy UHECR energy Float_t fTheta UHECR Theta Float_t fPhi UHECR Phi Float_t fX1 UHECR first interaction depth Float_t fElectrEthres Energy Threshold of electrons in GeV Float_t fDirX Direction versor in MES of the track axis Float_t fDirY Direction versor in MES of the track axis Float_t fDirZ Direction versor in MES of the track axis Float_t fInitPosX first interaction point (3D coord, meters) in MES Float_t fInitPosY first interaction point (3D coord, meters) in MES Float_t fInitPosZ first interaction point (3D coord, meters) in MES Bool_t fHitGround kTRUE is the track can hit the Ground in EUSO FoV, kFALSE otherwise Int_t fNumSteps size of fSteps array TClonesArray* fSteps -> Bool_t fCopy static TClonesArray* fgSteps static EShower* fgCurrent
Class Description
void Copy( TObject& other ) const
void Clear( Option_t* )
clear this
void ClearCopy()
delete TClonesArray in case of copied events
Inline Functions
void ~EShower() EShower EShower() EShower EShower(const EShower&) Int_t GetNumSteps() TClonesArray* GetSteps() EShowerStep* GetStep(Int_t i) Float_t GetEnergy() const Float_t GetTheta() const Float_t GetPhi() const Float_t GetX1() const Float_t GetElectrEthres() const Float_t GetDir(Int_t i) const TVector3 GetDir() const Float_t GetInitPos(Int_t i) const TVector3 GetInitPos() const Bool_t GetHitGround() const void SetEnergy(Float_t t) void SetTheta(Float_t t) void SetPhi(Float_t t) void SetX1(Float_t t) void SetElectrEthres(Float_t t) void SetDir(Int_t i, Float_t x) void SetDir(const TVector3& v) void SetInitPos(const TVector3& v) void SetInitPos(Int_t i, Float_t x) void SetHitGround(Bool_t h) EShower* GetCurrent() void SetCurrent(EShower* sh) void SetCopy(Bool_t val = kTRUE) Bool_t IsCopy() const TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) EShower& operator=(const EShower&)