#include "ETreePainter.hh" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
class ETreePainter : public TObject
Inheritance Chart: | |||||||||
ETreePainter(TTree*) ETreePainter(const ETreePainter&) virtual ~ETreePainter() void AddShower(EShower*) void Build() TH1F* BuildHistos(const char* name, const char* title) TTree* BuildTree() void BuildWorld() static TClass* Class() virtual void Draw(Option_t*) void DrawHistos(Option_t*) void FillAtmoHistos(EAtmosphereHistoPainter*) void FillTree() void FillTruthHistos(ETruth*) virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsWorldBuilt() ETreePainter& operator=(const ETreePainter&) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Data Members
TTree* fTree Pointer for the euso tree to read from EEvent* fEv Current Euso Event Int_t fEvTot Total number of events in the fTree TSeqCollection* fHistos Collection of histogramms representing the events Bool_t fWorldBuild true if the geometry is build, false othewise TGeoVolume* fTop TOP Volume of the global geometry TGeoVolume* fFoVVolume Geometry realization of the Field of View of EUSO TGeoMedium* fVacuum Geometry Medium Int_t fCurrentTrack index of the current track read from fTree ETreePainter::Track fTrack
Class Description
ETreePainter <extensive class description> Config file parameters ====================== <parameter name>: <parameter description> -Valid options: <available options>
void Build()
void BuildWorld()
TTree* BuildTree()
build a simple tree
TH1F* BuildHistos(const char *name, const char *title)
build hitograms
void AddShower(EShower *fShower)
void FillAtmoHistos( EAtmosphereHistoPainter *atmohistopainter )
fill hitograms and ntuple
void FillTruthHistos( ETruth *truth )
fill truth in ntuple
void FillTree()
fill stree
void DrawHistos( Option_t *opt )
Build Histos
void Draw( Option_t *opt )
Inline Functions
void ~ETreePainter() ETreePainter ETreePainter(TTree*) Bool_t IsWorldBuilt() TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) ETreePainter ETreePainter(const ETreePainter&) ETreePainter& operator=(const ETreePainter&)