#include "EusoElectronics.hh" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
class EusoElectronics : public EsafConfigurable, public EsafMsgSource
Inheritance Chart: | |||||||||||
Double_t NightGlowRate(const Photomultiplier*) const public:
EusoElectronics() virtual ~EusoElectronics() virtual bool Build() MacroCell* Cell(UInt_t) MacroCell* CellId(const ChannelUniqueId& chid) static TClass* Class() virtual const char* ClassName() const virtual const char* ClassType() const virtual Telemetry* Data() virtual bool Destroy() virtual void Dump(ostream& = cout) void ElectronicsMap(MacroCell**, Photomultiplier**, Int_t& pmtchan, ChannelUniqueId chid) ElementaryCell* ElemCell(UInt_t) void EnableSimulation(Bool_t se = kTRUE) Bool_t GetSimulationStatus() const virtual TClass* IsA() const Int_t NumCell() const Int_t NumElemCell() const Int_t NumOfCh() const Int_t NumPmt() const Photomultiplier* Pmt(UInt_t) Photomultiplier* PmtId(ChannelUniqueId chid) virtual void Reset() virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual bool Simulate(Double_t, Double_t) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Data Members
Telemetry* fTelemetry object for ground data format vector<MacroCell*> fMacrocells list of macro cells vector<Photomultiplier*> fPmts list of pmts vector<ElementaryCell*> fElementaryCells list of elementary cells map<Int_t,Photomultiplier*> fMap associate unique id to photomultiplier Int_t fNumOfChannelUniqueId Bool_t fSimulateElectronics disable simulation of the PmtSignal when string fNightGlow nightglow is added if not none string fNightGlowShape profile of the nightglow. Double_t fNightGlowRateOnAxis p.e. per pixel per microsec on the optical axis Double_t fNightGlowRadiance photon radiance [ph/m^2/sr/ns] Int_t fNightGlowCode its value defines in which conditions Interpolate* fNightGlowDist
Class Description
Euso Electronics ================ Electronics description of the focal surface. It is the core of the detector simulation fFrontEndSize : Number of channels in a front end chip. Do not change it fPmtSide : Number of channels in a pmt side. Do not change it. fEnable [bool] : Enable / disable electronics simulation fFocalSurfaceFile : Focal surface layout file fNightGlow [bool] : Choose night glow background implementation Valid options: - none: no background at all - yes: background added according to NightGlowCode variable
Double_t NightGlowRate( const Photomultiplier* pmt ) const
Nightglow rate as function of the location on the FS
Bool_t Build()
New building strategy
Bool_t Destroy()
Destroy the whole electronics tree to be done
MacroCell* Cell( UInt_t index )
Mapping functions. Returns macrocell from index
MacroCell* CellId( const ChannelUniqueId& chid )
Returns macrocell from channel unique id
ElementaryCell* ElemCell( UInt_t index )
Photomultiplier* Pmt( UInt_t index )
Returns photomultiplier from id
Photomultiplier* PmtId(ChannelUniqueId chid)
Returns photomultiplier from channel_unique_id
void ElectronicsMap( MacroCell** cell, Photomultiplier** pmt, Int_t& pmtchan, ChannelUniqueId chid )
Returns all mapping from ChannelUniqueId
Bool_t Simulate( Double_t tBegin, Double_t tEnd)
Simulate the whole electronics behaviour for this event
void Reset()
Reset the electronics and get ready for next event
void Dump(ostream& os)
Dump information about the electronics (for debugging)
Inline Functions
void ~EusoElectronics() EusoElectronics EusoElectronics() Telemetry* Data() Int_t NumOfCh() const Int_t NumPmt() const Int_t NumElemCell() const Int_t NumCell() const void EnableSimulation(Bool_t se = kTRUE) Bool_t GetSimulationStatus() const const char* ClassType() const const char* ClassName() const TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)