Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  

EusoElectronics - source file

// ESAF : Euso Simulation and Analysis Framework
// $Id: EusoElectronics.cc,v 1.75 2005/05/15 13:19:31 thea Exp $
// M. Pallavicini - created
// implementation for EusoElectronics object

//   Euso Electronics
//   ================
//   Electronics description of the focal surface. It is the core of the
//   detector simulation
//   fFrontEndSize : Number of channels in a front end chip. Do not change it
//   fPmtSide : Number of channels in a pmt side. Do not change it.
//   fEnable [bool] : Enable / disable electronics simulation 
//   fFocalSurfaceFile : Focal surface layout file
//   fNightGlow [bool] : Choose night glow background implementation
//   Valid options: 
//      - none:    no background at all
//      - yes:     background added according to NightGlowCode variable

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

#include "euso.hh"
#include "EusoElectronics.hh"
#include "ElectronicsFactory.hh"
#include "OpticsFactory.hh"
#include "MacroCell.hh"
#include "Photomultiplier.hh"
#include "Telemetry.hh"
#include "MacroCellData.hh"
#include "PmtGeometry.hh"
#include "EsafRandom.hh"
#include "FrontEndChip.hh"
#include "AnalogFrontEnd.hh"
#include "ElementaryCell.hh"
#include "FocalSurfaceFileParser.hh"
#include "MacroCellGeometry.hh"
#include "EEventTelemetryAdder.hh"


EusoElectronics::EusoElectronics() : EsafConfigurable(), EsafMsgSource(),
    fSimulateElectronics(kTRUE), fNightGlowDist(0) {
    // Constructor

    fTelemetry = 0;

EusoElectronics::~EusoElectronics() {
    // Destructor

    if ( fTelemetry )
        delete fTelemetry;
    // delete all ECs and Front End chips
    vector<ElementaryCell*>::const_iterator it2;
    for(it2=fElementaryCells.begin(); it2 != fElementaryCells.end(); it2++) {
        ElementaryCell *ec = *it2;
        FrontEndChip *fe = ec->FrontEnd();
        delete ec;
        delete fe;
    // delete all pmts
    vector<Photomultiplier*>::const_iterator it;
    for(it=fPmts.begin(); it != fPmts.end(); it++) {
        Photomultiplier *pmt = *it;
        delete pmt;


 Double_t EusoElectronics::NightGlowRate( const Photomultiplier* pmt ) const {
    // Nightglow rate as function of the location on the FS

    const PmtGeometry* geo = pmt->Geometry();
    const TVector3& pos  = geo->Position();
    const TVector3& norm = geo->Normal();

    Double_t ngr(0);
    if ( fNightGlow == "byRate" ) {
        if ( fNightGlowShape == "Flat" ) 
            ngr = fNightGlowRateOnAxis; 
        else if ( fNightGlowShape == "CosTheta" ) {
            Double_t fsPosZ = 2200*mm;

            Double_t tg2th = pos.Perp2();//(pos.x()*pos.x() + pos.y()*pos.y());
            tg2th /= ( (fsPosZ+pos.z()) * (fsPosZ+pos.z()));
            Double_t cth = 1. / TMath::Sqrt((1. + tg2th));
            ngr = fNightGlowRateOnAxis*cth;
        } else 
            FatalError("Unknown night glow shape:"+fNightGlowShape);
    } else if ( fNightGlow == "byRadiance" ) {
        Double_t r = pos.Perp();

        if ( r > fNightGlowDist->GetXmax() ) {
            ngr = 0;
        } else {
            ngr = fNightGlowDist->GetValue( r )*fNightGlowRadiance;

            // apply quantum efficiency and pmt orientation
            ngr *= geo->PadSide()*geo->PadSide()*Abs(norm.CosTheta());
            ngr *= pmt->GetQuantum();



    return ngr;

 Bool_t EusoElectronics::Build() {
    // New building strategy 

    Msg(EsafMsg::Info) << "Start Building" << MsgDispatch;

    Int_t pm=0;
    // Channels Ids must start from 1
    ChannelUniqueId UniqueId = 1; 
    fNumOfChannelUniqueId = 0;

    // enable/disable electronics simulation
    fSimulateElectronics = (Int_t)Conf()->GetBool("EusoElectronics.fEnable");

    // get the number of channels for each Front End Chip
    Int_t chip_size = (Int_t)Conf()->GetNum("EusoElectronics.fFrontEndSize");

    // get the number of pads in each Pmt
    Int_t pmt_size = (Int_t)Conf()->GetNum("EusoElectronics.fPmtSide");
    pmt_size *= pmt_size;

    // get the factory
    ElectronicsFactory* factory = ElectronicsFactory::Get();

    // get eusoelectronics file name
    string fileName = Conf()->GetStr("EusoElectronics.fFocalSurfaceFile");

    // get NightGlow type
    fNightGlow = Conf()->GetStr("EusoElectronics.fNightGlow");
    fNightGlowCode = 0;
    fNightGlowRateOnAxis = 0.;
    if ( fNightGlow == "byRate" || fNightGlow == "byRadiance" ) {
        fNightGlowRateOnAxis = Conf()->GetNum("EusoElectronics.fNightGlowRateOnAxis")/microsecond;
        fNightGlowRadiance   = Conf()->GetNum("EusoElectronics.fNightGlowRadiance")/(ns*sr*m2);
        fNightGlowShape      = Conf()->GetStr("EusoElectronics.fNightGlowShape");
        fNightGlowCode       = (Int_t)Conf()->GetNum("EusoElectronics.fNightGlowCode");

        if ( fNightGlow == "byRadiance" ) {
            // FIXME improve path resolution
            string path = Conf()->GetCfgDir()+'/'+
            fNightGlowDist = new Interpolate(path+"NightGlow."+fNightGlowShape+".dat");
            // set unit, (meter^2*steradiant)/mm^2
            cout << "Unit " << (m2*sr/mm2)  << endl;
            cout << fNightGlowDist->GetUnit()  << endl;
            cout << path+fNightGlowShape+".dat" << endl;
            cout << "Radiance   " << Conf()->GetNum("EusoElectronics.fNightGlowRadiance") << endl;
            cout << "Radiance with unit   " << fNightGlowRadiance << endl;
            cout << path+fNightGlowShape+".dat" << endl;
            cout << fNightGlowDist->GetValue(100.) << endl;
            cout << fNightGlowDist->GetValue(1000.) << endl;
    } else if ( fNightGlow != "none" )
        FatalError("Unknown option for fNightGlow "+fNightGlow);

    FrontEndChip *pChip = 0;
    Photomultiplier *pPmt = 0;
    MacroCell *pCell = 0;
    ElementaryCell *pEC = 0;
    Photomultiplier *pP[9];
    Int_t RowOffset = 0;
    Int_t ColOffset = 0;

    FocalSurfaceFileParser fs( fileName );

    while ( Int_t PmtId = fs.NewPmtId() ) {

        // front end chip and its analog front end simulation
        if ( fs.NewFrontEndChip() ) {
            if ( pChip ) {
                // fill the chip up
                pChip->AssociatePmts( pP[0], pP[1], pP[2], pP[3] );
                // set night glow parameter for pChip
                if ( fNightGlow != "none" )
                    pChip->SetNightGlowRate( NightGlowRate( pP[0] ) );

            pChip = factory->MakeFrontEndChip( chip_size );
            AnalogFrontEnd* afee = factory->MakeAFEE( pChip, chip_size );
            pChip->SetAfee( afee );
            pm = 0;		


        if ( fs.NewElementaryCell() ) {
            if ( pEC ) {
                pEC->AssociatePmts( pP[0], pP[1], pP[2], pP[3] );
                pCell->Add( pEC, RowOffset, ColOffset);
            pEC = factory->MakeElementaryCell();
            fElementaryCells.push_back( pEC );

        if ( fs.NewMacroCell() ) {
            // build new MacroCell
            pCell = factory->MakeMacroCell();
            // set geometry 
            MacroCellGeometry *pMg = factory->MakeMacroCellGeometry( pCell );
            pCell->SetGeometry( pMg );
            fMacrocells.push_back( pCell );

        //if ( Int_t PDMId = fs.NewPhotoDetModule() ) {

        // pmt geometry
        PmtGeometry *g = factory->MakePmtGeometry( fs.Pos(), fs.Norm(), fs.Dir() );

        // it's optical adaptor
        OpticalAdaptor *oa = OpticsFactory::Get()->GetOA();

        // build the pmt and attach the front end chip
        //        Int_t first = pm * pmt_size;
        pPmt = factory->MakePmt( PmtId, g);
        pP[pm++] = pPmt; // keep pointers for the EC

        // associate the macrocell to the pmt
        pPmt->SetCell( pCell );

        // associate pmt to front end

        // add this pmt to the list
        fPmts.push_back( pPmt );

        // associate unique id to objects
        // UniqueId = (pmt_id-1)*nchan+chId
        // pmt_id=[1,nPmt], nchan=PmtSide^2, chId=[0,nchan-1]
        pPmt->SetStartUniqueId( UniqueId );
        for(Int_t ii = pPmt->GetStartUniqueId(); ii <= pPmt->GetLastUniqueId(); ii++) {
            fMap[ii] = pPmt;
        UniqueId += ( pPmt->GetLastUniqueId() - pPmt->GetStartUniqueId() + 1 );

        // save offsets for elementarycell association
        RowOffset = fs.GetRowOffset();
        ColOffset = fs.GetColOffset();


    // complete the last frontend chip
    if ( pChip ) {
        pChip->AssociatePmts( pP[0], pP[1], pP[2], pP[3] );

        // set night glow parameter for pChip
        if ( fNightGlow != "none" )
            pChip->SetNightGlowRate( NightGlowRate( pP[0] ) );

    // complete last elementary cell
    if ( pEC ) {
        pEC->AssociatePmts( pP[0], pP[1], pP[2], pP[3] );
        pCell->Add( pEC, RowOffset, ColOffset );

    Msg(EsafMsg::Debug) << NumPmt() << " Photomultipliers read" << MsgDispatch;  
    Msg(EsafMsg::Debug) << NumElemCell() << " ElementaryCells created" << MsgDispatch;
    Msg(EsafMsg::Debug) << NumCell() << " MacroCells assembled" << MsgDispatch;

    Msg(EsafMsg::Info) << "Night Glow background will be added in ";
    if ( fNightGlowCode > 0 )
        Msg(EsafMsg::Info) << "macrocell " << fNightGlowCode << " only" << MsgDispatch;
    else if ( fNightGlowCode == -1 )
        Msg(EsafMsg::Info) << "all macrocells with at least one signal photon" << MsgDispatch;
    else if ( fNightGlowCode == -2 )
        Msg(EsafMsg::Info) << "all macrocells" << MsgDispatch;
    else if ( fNightGlowCode == 0 || fNightGlow == "none")
        Msg(EsafMsg::Info) << "0 macrocells" << MsgDispatch;
    // save the number of channels

    // get telemetry object
    fTelemetry = factory->MakeTelemetry();

    Msg(EsafMsg::Info) << "Build Complete." << MsgDispatch;
    return true;

 Bool_t EusoElectronics::Destroy() {
    // Destroy the whole electronics tree 
    // to be done

    return true;

 MacroCell* EusoElectronics::Cell( UInt_t index ) {
    // Mapping functions.
    // Returns macrocell from index

    if ( index >= fMacrocells.size() ) {
        Msg(EsafMsg::Warning) << "Cell()    Macrocell " 
		 << index << " does not exist." << MsgDispatch;
        return 0;
    return fMacrocells[index];
 MacroCell* EusoElectronics::CellId( const ChannelUniqueId& chid ) {
    // Returns macrocell from channel unique id

    Photomultiplier *pPmt = fMap[chid];
    if ( pPmt )
        return pPmt->Cell();
    return 0;

 ElementaryCell* EusoElectronics::ElemCell( UInt_t index ) {
    if ( index >= fElementaryCells.size() ) {
        Msg(EsafMsg::Warning) << "ElemCell()    Macrocell " 
		 << index << " does not exist." << MsgDispatch;
        return 0;
    return fElementaryCells[index];

 Photomultiplier* EusoElectronics::Pmt( UInt_t index ) {
    // Returns photomultiplier from id

    if ( index >= fPmts.size() ) {
        Msg(EsafMsg::Warning) << "Pmt()    Pmt " 
		 << index << " does not exist." << MsgDispatch;
        return 0;
    return fPmts[index];
 Photomultiplier* EusoElectronics::PmtId(ChannelUniqueId chid) {
    // Returns photomultiplier from channel_unique_id

    return fMap[chid];
 void EusoElectronics::ElectronicsMap( MacroCell** cell, Photomultiplier** pmt, 
                                      Int_t& pmtchan, ChannelUniqueId chid ) {
    // Returns all mapping from ChannelUniqueId

    *cell = CellId(chid);
    *pmt = PmtId(chid);
    pmtchan = PmtId(chid)->GetChannel(chid);

 Bool_t EusoElectronics::Simulate( Double_t tBegin, Double_t tEnd) {
    // Simulate the whole electronics behaviour for this event

    if ( !fSimulateElectronics ) {
        Msg(EsafMsg::Info) << "EusoElectronics: Simulation disabled" << MsgDispatch;
        return kTRUE;

    // consistency checks 
    Double_t t1=1.e20;
    Double_t t2=-1.e20;
    Double_t t3=1.e20;
    Double_t t4=-1.e20;
    for(UInt_t i=0; i<fPmts.size(); i++) {
        Photomultiplier *pPmt=fPmts[i];
        if ( t1 > pPmt->GetStartTime() && !pPmt->IsEmpty() )
            t1 = pPmt->GetStartTime();
        if ( t2 < pPmt->GetEndTime() && !pPmt->IsEmpty() )
            t2 = pPmt->GetEndTime();
        for ( Int_t ch=0; ch < pPmt->NumChan(); ch++ ) {
            vector<PmtSignal*>* sigs = &(pPmt->Signals(ch));
            if ( sigs ) {
                for(UInt_t iSig=0; iSig < sigs->size(); iSig++) {
                    PmtSignal *s = (*sigs)[iSig];
                    if ( s ) {
                        if ( t3 > s->Time() ) t3 = s->Time();
                        if ( t4 < s->Time() ) t4 = s->Time();

    MsgForm(EsafMsg::Info,"Pmt Time Interval (ns)   :t\tSTART=%ld  END=%ld",(Long_t)t1,(Long_t)t2);
    MsgForm(EsafMsg::Info,"Signal Time Interval (ns):t\tSTART=%ld  END=%ld",(Long_t)t3,(Long_t)t4);

    MacroCell* pCell;

    // get the time of the first photon added ( ns )
    Double_t start = HUGE;
    for( size_t iCell=0; iCell<fMacrocells.size(); iCell++ ) {
        pCell = fMacrocells[ iCell ];
        if ( pCell ) {
            Double_t tt = pCell->FirstHitTime();
            if ( start > tt )
                start = tt;
        } else {
            FatalError("Error in Simulate(); Bad macrocell map");

    // generate a random phase with respect to the GTU cycle
    TRandom* rndm = EsafRandom::Get();
    Double_t phase = rndm->Rndm();
    phase *= Config::Get()->GetCF("Electronics","MacroCell")->GetNum("MacroCell.fGtuTimeLength");
    start -= phase;

    MsgForm(EsafMsg::Info,"GTU Phase (ns)           :t\tSTART=%ld   PHASE=%ld",(Long_t)start,(Long_t)phase);

    // simulate all macrocells 
    for(UInt_t iCell=0; iCell < fMacrocells.size(); iCell++) {
        pCell = fMacrocells[ iCell ];
        pCell->SetGtuBegin( start );

        // simulate macrocell electronics and trigger
        MacroCellData* pData = pCell->Simulate( fNightGlowCode );

        if ( pData ) {
            // if there was activity, add data to telemetry object
            if ( !pData->IsEmpty()) {
                MsgForm(EsafMsg::Info,"Adding into telemetry Macrocell %d",pData->Cell()->Id());
                fTelemetry->Add( pData );
            else {
                delete pData;
        else {
            Msg(EsafMsg::Panic) << "Error while simulating Macro Cell = " << pCell->Id() << MsgDispatch;
            FatalError("Bad pData from MacroCell::Simulate");

    // third level triggering and on-board data processing simulation

    // add telemetry data to root event
    if ( EEvent::GetCurrent() ){
        EEventTelemetryAdder adder(fTelemetry);
        EEvent::GetCurrent()->Fill( adder );

    return true;

 void EusoElectronics::Reset() {
    // Reset the electronics and get ready for next event

   for( size_t iCell=0; iCell<fMacrocells.size(); iCell++ ) {
      MacroCell* pCell = fMacrocells[ iCell ];
      if ( pCell )
      else {
          Msg(EsafMsg::Panic) << "EusoElectronics: Error in Reset(). Bad map."<< MsgDispatch;


 void EusoElectronics::Dump(ostream& os) {
    // Dump information about the electronics (for debugging)

    os << "This is EusoElectronics" << endl;
    os << "Number of Macro Cells " << fMacrocells.size() << endl;
    for(UInt_t i=0; i<fMacrocells.size(); i+=20 ) {
        os << "MacroCell " << fMacrocells[i]->Id() << " has " <<
            fMacrocells[i]->GetRows() << " rows and " << fMacrocells[i]->GetColumns() <<
            " columns " << endl;
About Us | EUSO Official Website | Web pages created by Roberto Pesce and Alessandro Thea - Last Update 14-May-2005 21:31