#include "MacroCellData.hh" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
class MacroCellData
Inheritance Chart: | |||||
void SetGtuTrigger(Int_t gtu) public:
MacroCellData(MacroCell*) MacroCellData(const MacroCellData&) virtual ~MacroCellData() void Add(Int_t, ChipGtuData*) void BuildGtu(Int_t) MacroCell* Cell() Bool_t CheckContiguity(Int_t gtu1, Int_t gtu2) static TClass* Class() string& Dump() Int_t GtuEnd() const Int_t GtuStart() const Double_t GtuTimeEnd() Double_t GtuTimeStart() Int_t GtuTrigger() const Bool_t HasTriggered(Int_t& gtu) const MacroCellHit* Hit(Int_t iGtu, Int_t iHit) vector<MacroCellHit*>* Hits(Int_t gtu) virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsEmpty() const Int_t NGtus() const Int_t NumMacroCellHits() MacroCellData& operator=(const MacroCellData&) void SetEmpty(Bool_t val = kTRUE) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void SimulateTrigger() virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Data Members
MacroCell* pCell parent macrocell string text_dump string used for dump Int_t fGtuStart first GTU in which there was activity Int_t fGtuEnd last GTU in which there was activity Int_t fGtuTrigger GTU in which there was trigger Int_t fNumActiveGtus number of GTUs in which there was activity map<Int_t,vector<ChipGtuData*>*> fChipData map<Int_t,map<Int_t,ChipGtuData*>*> fChipData2 map<Int_t,vector<MacroCellHit*>*> fData Bool_t fEmpty
Class Description
void BuildGtu( Int_t gtu_num )
perform the single GTU analysis look for X & Y logic for the whole macrocell compute the number of hits and the time recorded for each pixels including ghosts data is saved into a map
void Add( Int_t gtu_num, ChipGtuData* pData)
add data from a chip; just stored into a map a second map is also filled for triggering purposes
string& Dump()
dump macrocell data onto a string
Bool_t CheckContiguity(Int_t gtu1, Int_t gtu2 )
trigger function returns kTRUE if gtu1 has at least one MacroCellHit that is contiguous (in space) with one MacroCellHit of gtu2
void SimulateTrigger()
simulate trigger using all engines associated to the macrocell
Double_t GtuTimeStart()
time in ns of the first edge of the first GTU for this event the time is measured from the Photons time
Double_t GtuTimeEnd()
same for second edge of last GTU
Int_t NumMacroCellHits()
compute the total number of hits and returns it
Inline Functions
void ~MacroCellData() MacroCellData MacroCellData(MacroCell*) Bool_t HasTriggered(Int_t& gtu) const MacroCell* Cell() Bool_t IsEmpty() const void SetEmpty(Bool_t val = kTRUE) Int_t GtuStart() const Int_t GtuEnd() const Int_t GtuTrigger() const Int_t NGtus() const vector<MacroCellHit*>* Hits(Int_t gtu) MacroCellHit* Hit(Int_t iGtu, Int_t iHit) void SetGtuTrigger(Int_t gtu) TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) MacroCellData MacroCellData(const MacroCellData&) MacroCellData& operator=(const MacroCellData&)