Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  


#include "ScanPhotonsOnPupil.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class ScanPhotonsOnPupil : public PhotonsOnPupil, public EsafConfigurable

Inheritance Chart:
Double_t GetX() Double_t GetY() void ResetAngle() void ResetPhoton(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t th, Double_t wl) void ResetPos() public:
ScanPhotonsOnPupil() virtual ~ScanPhotonsOnPupil() static TClass* Class() virtual const char* ClassName() const virtual const char* ClassType() const virtual void Clear() virtual Photon* Get() const vector<Double_t>& GetAngles() const Double_t GetCurAngle() const Int_t GetCurAngleId() const Int_t GetCurPosId() Double_t GetCurWl() const Int_t GetCurWlId() const Double_t GetEntranceDiscRadius() virtual Int_t GetEntries() const Int_t GetLastPosId() Int_t GetNumAngles() const Int_t GetNumCols(Int_t r) Int_t GetNumPos() const Int_t GetNumRows() const Int_t GetNumWavelengths() const const vector<Int_t>& GetRows() const const vector<Double_t>& GetWavelengths() const Double_t GetXYStep() virtual TClass* IsA() const Bool_t IsAngleEnd() const Bool_t IsWlEnd() const void NextAngle() void NextWl() virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Int_t fNumPos Int_t fNumRows vector<Int_t> fNumCols Double_t fXYStep Double_t fEntranceDiscRadius ParentPhoton fParent OpticalSystem* fOptics Int_t fCurRow Int_t fCurCol Int_t fCurPosId Int_t fCurAngle Int_t fCurWl vector<Double_t> fAngles vector<Double_t> fWavelengths

Class Description

Photon* Get()
 Returns a photon at the current position and then steps over.

void ResetPhoton( Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t th, Double_t wl )
 reset the parent photon into a new position

Int_t GetNumCols(Int_t r)
 return the number of columns of the r-th row

void NextAngle()
 switch to the next angle in the list

Bool_t IsAngleEnd() const
 true if all the angles have been scanned

void NextWl()
 switch to the next wavelength in the list

Bool_t IsWlEnd() const
 true if all the wavelengths have been scanned

Inline Functions

                           void ~ScanPhotonsOnPupil()
             ScanPhotonsOnPupil ScanPhotonsOnPupil()
                           void Clear()
                          Int_t GetEntries() const
                          Int_t GetNumPos() const
                          Int_t GetNumRows() const
           const vector<Int_t>& GetRows() const
                       Double_t GetXYStep()
                          Int_t GetLastPosId()
                          Int_t GetCurPosId()
                       Double_t GetEntranceDiscRadius()
                          Int_t GetNumAngles() const
        const vector<Double_t>& GetAngles() const
                       Double_t GetCurAngle() const
                          Int_t GetCurAngleId() const
                          Int_t GetNumWavelengths() const
        const vector<Double_t>& GetWavelengths() const
                       Double_t GetCurWl() const
                          Int_t GetCurWlId() const
                    const char* ClassType() const
                    const char* ClassName() const
                           void ResetPos()
                           void ResetAngle()
                       Double_t GetX()
                       Double_t GetY()
                        TClass* Class()
                        TClass* IsA() const
                           void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                           void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                           void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
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