Universita' di GenovaINFN Sezione di Genova  


#include "RecoEventHeader.hh"


class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)

class RecoEventHeader

Inheritance Chart:

RecoEventHeader() RecoEventHeader(const RecoEventHeader&) virtual ~RecoEventHeader() static TClass* Class() EDetector* GetDetector() const Float_t GetGtuLength() const Int_t GetNum() const Int_t GetNumActiveFee() const Int_t GetNumAFee() const Int_t GetNumCellHits() const Int_t GetNumCells() const Int_t GetNumFee() const Int_t GetRun() const ERunParameters* GetRunPars() const Int_t GetTrueBackCerOnPupil() const Float_t GetTrueEarthAge() const const TVector3& GetTrueEarthImpact() const Float_t GetTrueEnergy() const const TVector3& GetTrueFluoMaxPos() const Int_t GetTrueFluoOnPupil() const Float_t GetTrueHclouds() const const TVector3& GetTrueInitPos() const Int_t GetTrueNumFastOR() const Int_t GetTrueNumPhotons() const Int_t GetTrueParticleCode() const Char_t* GetTrueParticleName() Float_t GetTruePhi() const Int_t GetTruePhotoElectrons() const Int_t GetTruePhotonsOnPupil() const const TVector3& GetTrueShowerMaxPos() const Float_t GetTrueShowerXMax() const Float_t GetTrueTheta() const Float_t GetTrueX1() const virtual TClass* IsA() const RecoEventHeader& operator=(const RecoEventHeader&) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)

Data Members

Int_t fNum event number Int_t fRun run number Int_t fTruePhotonsOnPupil number of photons that entered pupil Int_t fTrueFluoOnPupil number of fluorescence photons that entered pupil Int_t fTrueBackCerOnPupil number of backscattered cerenkov that entered pupil Int_t fTrueNumPhotons number of photons that entered pupil Int_t fTruePhotoElectrons number of photons detected Int_t fTrueNumFastOR number of photons counted in macrocell Int_t fNumCells number of macrocells Int_t fNumCellHits number of macrocell hits Int_t fNumFee number of front end electronics Int_t fNumActiveFee number of fee with hits >= 1 Int_t fNumAFee number of analog front end Float_t fGtuLength Gtu Length (in ns, as it is in EElectronics) Float_t fTrueEnergy primary EECR energy (eV) Float_t fTrueTheta incidence angle (rad) Float_t fTruePhi azimuth; Phi=0 corresponds Y=0 Char_t fTrueParticleName[20] particle name (see above) Int_t fTrueParticleCode same as name with code instead of strings TVector3 fTrueInitPos first interaction point (3D coord, Km) Float_t fTrueX1 interaction depth in g/cm^2 TVector3 fTrueEarthImpact impact of shower on earth (clouds ignored) Float_t fTrueEarthAge age of the shower at impact TVector3 fTrueShowerMaxPos shower max position (3D coord, Km) TVector3 fTrueFluoMaxPos Fluo profile max position (3D coord, Km) Float_t fTrueShowerXMax shower max depth (g/cm^2) Float_t fTrueHclouds altitude of the clouds. smaller than 0 means no clouds ERunParameters* fRunPars pointer to ERunParameters EDetector* fDetector pointer to Detector

Class Description



Inline Functions

                   Int_t GetNum() const
                   Int_t GetRun() const
                   Int_t GetTrueNumPhotons() const
                   Int_t GetTruePhotoElectrons() const
                   Int_t GetTrueNumFastOR() const
                   Int_t GetNumCells() const
                   Int_t GetNumCellHits() const
                   Int_t GetNumFee() const
                   Int_t GetNumActiveFee() const
                   Int_t GetNumAFee() const
                 Float_t GetTrueTheta() const
                 Float_t GetTruePhi() const
                 Float_t GetTrueEnergy() const
                 Char_t* GetTrueParticleName()
                   Int_t GetTrueParticleCode() const
         const TVector3& GetTrueInitPos() const
                 Float_t GetTrueX1() const
         const TVector3& GetTrueEarthImpact() const
                 Float_t GetTrueEarthAge() const
         const TVector3& GetTrueShowerMaxPos() const
         const TVector3& GetTrueFluoMaxPos() const
                 Float_t GetTrueShowerXMax() const
                 Float_t GetGtuLength() const
         ERunParameters* GetRunPars() const
              EDetector* GetDetector() const
                   Int_t GetTruePhotonsOnPupil() const
                   Int_t GetTrueFluoOnPupil() const
                   Int_t GetTrueBackCerOnPupil() const
                 Float_t GetTrueHclouds() const
                 TClass* Class()
                 TClass* IsA() const
                    void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                    void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
                    void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
         RecoEventHeader RecoEventHeader(const RecoEventHeader&)
        RecoEventHeader& operator=(const RecoEventHeader&)
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