Workshop on EUSO Electronics, Genova 5th-6th March 2001
The 1st WorkShop on Euso electronics was held in Genova (Italy) on March 5th and 6th.
This page is meant to be only a quick reminder for the decision taken at the WorkShop and a repository for the transparencies. A better container for the Electronics Working Group for Euso will be given in the future.
- The WorkShop was devoted to:
- Identify what we call the base line electronics system: front end, main read out electronics and triggering system.
- Discuss many possible improvements to the base line system
- Start a discussion about ancillary systems electronics (on board calibration, atmospheric physics and atmospheric monitoring systems)
- Define responsibilities of the various groups on the proposed items.
- Prepare a work-plan for Phase A.
- List of Talks:
- Introduction to Perseo Project in Genova Postcript or MS Power Point (M. Pallavicini, INFN Genova)
- The Analog Design for Perseo (F. Pratolongo, INFN Genova)
- Technology studies and Digital Section of Perseo (P. Musico, INFN Genova)
- Feasibility Study of the discriminator cell of the Euso Front End ASIC MS Power Point (Paolo Bastia, Laben Milano)
- Euso Payload Electronics Overview MS Power Point (Paolo Bastia, Laben Milano)
- Euso Power Supply System MS Power Point (G. Landi, INFN Firenze)
- Proposal for improvements to the Euso electronics MS Word (J.P. Mendiburu, LAPP Annecy) (PDF versions of all files will be available soon)
WorkShop output.
We have defined a base line system (see FIRE document) composed of:
- Front End ASIC (called Perseo, PhotoElectron Readout System for EusO),
- External Ring Memories
- Processor Track Finding
We have identified a set of possible improvements (the institution at the end of each item is responsible to provide further information at the Palermo WorkShop in June 2001).
- The possible improvements are:
- Additional high analog threshold for each pixel to be able to trigger of very large signals (much greater than 1 photoelectron). [LAPP]
- We could add an ADC readout for each PMT (or maybe summing a group of PMTs) to increase sensitivity for very high energy events and to improve energy resolution. [LAPP]
- We could add a trigger logic inside Perseo that could improve efficiency and possibly decrease the energy threshold for Euso [Genova]
- Add logic to keep memory of X and Y in the External Ring Memories [LAPP]
- Study a multi-level threhsold system for Perseo to recover energy from nearest neighbors pixels [IFCAI]