#include "EBunchPhotons.hh" |
class description - source file - inheritance tree (.pdf)
class EBunchPhotons : public TObject
Inheritance Chart: | |||||||||
EBunchPhotons() EBunchPhotons(const EBunchPhotons&) virtual ~EBunchPhotons() void AddSingle(ESinglePhoton* ph) static TClass* Class() virtual void Clear(Option_t*) virtual void Copy(TObject&) const Float_t GetDatef() const Float_t GetDatei() const UChar_t GetFate() const TVector3 GetFinalPos() const Bool_t GetFlagDir() const UInt_t GetId() const Float_t GetMeanDirPhi() const Float_t GetMeanDirTheta() const Int_t GetNumBack() const Int_t GetNumDir() const Int_t GetNumRef() const Int_t GetNumSingles() const Int_t GetNumWavelengths() const TVector3 GetShowerPosf() const TVector3 GetShowerPosi() const const Float_t* GetTable(char* s) const UChar_t GetType() const Float_t GetWeight() const Float_t GetYield() const virtual TClass* IsA() const EBunchPhotons& operator=(const EBunchPhotons&) void SetDatef(Float_t date) void SetDatei(Float_t date) void SetFate(UChar_t f) void SetFinalPos(const TVector3& v) void SetFlagDir(Bool_t iso) void SetId(UInt_t id) void SetMeanDirPhi(Float_t phi) void SetMeanDirTheta(Float_t theta) void SetShowerPosf(const TVector3& v) void SetShowerPosi(const TVector3& v) void SetSpectrum(Int_t n, const Float_t* lambda, const Float_t* weight) void SetType(UInt_t type) void SetWeight(Float_t w) void SetYield(Float_t y) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b)
Data Members
UChar_t fType Bunch Type UInt_t fId bunch identity Float_t fDatei date of creation of the first point Float_t fDatef date of creation of the last point Float_t fShowerPosiX Float_t fShowerPosiY Float_t fShowerPosiZ first point of the bunch at creation Float_t fShowerPosfX Float_t fShowerPosfY Float_t fShowerPosfZ last point of the bunch at creation Float_t fFinalPosX Float_t fFinalPosY Float_t fFinalPosZ where bunch is dead Bool_t fFlagDir false if bunch isotropic Float_t fMeanDirTheta Float_t fMeanDirPhi mean direction (theta, phi) Float_t fWeight bunch weight Float_t fYield yield associated with this bunch Int_t fNumWavelengths nb of bins in the following spectra Float_t* fWlLambda [fNumWavelengths] array of wavelength (for spectrum X-axis) -> fNumWavelengths values Float_t* fWlWeight [fNumWavelengths] number of photons at bunch creation UChar_t fFate fate of the bunch (where it dies in the code) Int_t fNumSingles number of singles from this bunch Int_t fNumDir number of singles directly in Euso solid angle Int_t fNumBack number of singles backscattered in Euso solid angle Int_t fNumRef number of singles reflected on ground TRefArray* fSingles reference to th singles coming from this bunch //TOFIX not used yet
Class Description
void Copy( TObject& other) const
void Clear( Option_t* opt)
void SetSpectrum ( Int_t n, const Float_t* lambda, const Float_t* integral)
Inline Functions
void ~EBunchPhotons() EBunchPhotons EBunchPhotons() EBunchPhotons EBunchPhotons(const EBunchPhotons&) void AddSingle(ESinglePhoton* ph) UChar_t GetType() const UInt_t GetId() const Float_t GetDatei() const Float_t GetDatef() const TVector3 GetShowerPosi() const TVector3 GetShowerPosf() const TVector3 GetFinalPos() const Bool_t GetFlagDir() const Float_t GetMeanDirTheta() const Float_t GetMeanDirPhi() const Float_t GetWeight() const Float_t GetYield() const Int_t GetNumWavelengths() const const Float_t* GetTable(char* s) const UChar_t GetFate() const Int_t GetNumSingles() const Int_t GetNumDir() const Int_t GetNumBack() const Int_t GetNumRef() const void SetType(UInt_t type) void SetId(UInt_t id) void SetDatei(Float_t date) void SetDatef(Float_t date) void SetShowerPosi(const TVector3& v) void SetShowerPosf(const TVector3& v) void SetFinalPos(const TVector3& v) void SetWeight(Float_t w) void SetYield(Float_t y) void SetFate(UChar_t f) void SetFlagDir(Bool_t iso) void SetMeanDirTheta(Float_t theta) void SetMeanDirPhi(Float_t phi) TClass* Class() TClass* IsA() const void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) void Streamer(TBuffer& b) void StreamerNVirtual(TBuffer& b) EBunchPhotons& operator=(const EBunchPhotons&)