
Climate change: from science to action (Dr Elisabetta VIGNATI (Head of Unit and Deputy Director Joint Research Centre Directorate C, Energy, Mobility and Climate Clean Air and Climate Unit)) @ Aula Magna
Mag 8@2:00 pm–3:00 pm

Physics Colloquia
Climate change is one of the most challenging global issues that humankind faces. The earth average surface temperature has risen more than 1 degree since the pre-industrial time and 2023 was the warmest year since 1880, year when modern measurement records began. The basic chemistry and physics of climate change have been understood for more than a century and effects already well documented. Science and research have significantly improved our understanding of the causes and our response options: human activities are estimated to have caused the temperature increase since pre-industrial time and global warming is projected to increase if substantial and sustained actions to reduce the human impact are not taken soon. Exploring the pivotal role of science in shaping international and European climate change policy, we delve into the dynamic interplay between scientific advancements and policy decisions as the scientific community’s influence is undeniable, driving evidence-based strategies that navigate the complex challenges of climate change.

Black hole microstate geometries and their holographic duals (Dr. Sami Rawash, IIT Genova) @ 501
Mag 22@2:00 pm–3:00 pm

Seminario Fisica Teorica

Despite General Relativity’s experimental success, theoretical motivations suggest it may not offer the ultimate description of black hole physics. The entropy puzzle and the black hole information paradox are two challenges that any proposed theory of quantum gravity must confront. In this talk, I will introduce the “fuzzball proposal”, a conjecture arising from string theory’s construction of black holes in terms of strings and branes. According to this conjecture, strong quantum gravity effects that occur already at the horizon scale hold promise for providing a consistent microscopic description of black hole physics. I will then discuss various tools and techniques (including holography, shockwave perturbations and computational methods) which can be used to examine and corroborate this conjecture.

Cosmology with Euclid and the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) (Florian Beutler, Edinburgh) @ Aula 501
Mag 29@2:00 pm–3:00 pm

Galaxy redshift surveys provide a large number of observables to constrain fundamental parameters of our universe. I will provide a general introduction to the concept of spectroscopic galaxy surveys as well as an overview of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations. I will then discuss the first results of the year 1 analysis of DESI together with an outlook for the upcoming year 3 and year 5 analysis.

Update on Superconducting Magnets & Devices Development at CERN (Arnaud Devred (CERN)) @ Aula Magna
Giu 4@3:00 pm–4:00 pm

Physics Colloquia
Abstract: The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project at CERN has offered the opportunity to promote and develop various types of enabling accelerator technologies, such as MgB2 superconducting links for cold powering and Nb3Sn accelerators magnets for the interaction regions. The superconducting link is in an advanced prototyping phase and is expected to be fully validated in the coming months. The Nb3Sn magnet development has encountered serious difficulties characterized by performance limitation or degradation which have now been overcome. We report on the status and challenges of HL-LHC magnets and devices at CERN, with a primary focus on the root cause analysis and recovery actions implemented for the final focusing Nb3Sn quadrupole magnets, and a comparison with similar issues encountered over a decade ago on the Nb3Sn Cable-in-Conduit conductors for ITER magnets. We also present two ongoing spin-off projects which benefit from HL-LHC technology developments: a strongly curved, Nb-Ti, canted cosine theta (CCT) magnet and an energy-efficient, MgB2, superferric dipole magnet.

Laser spectroscopy and implantation of exotic radioisotopes at the RISIKO mass separator of Mainz University (Dr. Klaus Wendt for the LARISSA Collaboration, Institute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) @ Aula 502
Lug 11@3:00 pm–5:00 pm

Seminario di gruppo II

The implementation of resonance ionization using powerful tunable laser systems at high transmission mass separators has led to numerous research activities on stable as well as radioactive isotopes. Aside of the application as highly selective and efficient ion source for rare species at radioactive ion beam (RIB) facilities like ISOLDE at CERN or ISAC at TRIUMF, direct in-source spectroscopy on atomic structure and nuclear ground state properties are carried out, e.g., in the range of the actinides and other radioisotopes. At the RISIKO off-line mass separator facility the laser systems are adapted and such investigations are prepared, complementing efficient implantation runs of ultrapure radioisotope samples for specific programs. These include collections of 6Li, 53Mn, 55Fe, 158Tb, 163Ho, and 226Ra in microscopic metallic calorimeters (MMCs) and on other targets. The technology will be presented with special emphasis on the laser systems and the required mass separator optimizations together with some recent applications of relevance.